concert #43-46: y not festival | 28.07.-31.07.2022

2023-06-06 22:32:59

what is it like when you spontaneously fly to manchester, get on a bus, and an hour and a half later end up in the middle of the english pampa at one of the most beautiful festivals of all? vienna concert tested this and was at the “y not festival” in pikehall, in the middle of england.

for indie lovers, the line up sounded too good to be true and the price was really ok. the only question was: should we dare to spontaneously undertake this journey? the answer was finally yes. so we made our way to manchester, stayed there for a day to do a bit of sightseeing and buy festival provisions and then went to the “y not festival” in our own festival coach (these so-called “coach travel” bus trips are in england widely used, highly recommended!). Admittedly, most of these buses were used by young people, so we felt a bit old. but at the latest when we arrived and had to wait an hour to get the tapes, we also saw people our age or older and even families with children. everything was good!

we were almost on our way to the campsite to look for a good spot when it happened: the drug dog wanted to be petted and my friend mightn’t resist. so my friend was checked for drugs – duration: for a whole three hours, since some other people were still there before him. cell phone reception was not available so i spent the three most boring hours of my life somewhere at the campsite waiting. Setting up a tent alone wasn’t possible either, that’s not my strength. and at some point my friend showed up and the construction might begin. right following that we went to the area: eat something, drink something and of course examine the first bands!


28.07.2022 – #43 – soak, lucy spraggan, tidepool, the hunna, the kooks

thursday was the opening day and accordingly fewer stages were used. nonetheless, we had to find our way around the festival, memorizing the stage names and locations. the first band or artist of the day for us was “soak“ – a singer from northern ireland who welcomed us in a very gentle way into this festival madness. her dreamy indie-folk-pop was perfect for acclimatizing.

a little later led “lucy spraggan“ This cosiness continued – once more very folky, almost a bit country-like, it brought the numerous festival guests who were already present into ecstasy. hands went up, mouths sang along with all the songs. i first had to get used to the fact that the british are there with enthusiasm at concerts right from the start and are not as distant as we austrians are. how good enthusiasm actually does you!

okay, it’s not always uphill – when we briefly “tide pool‘ we weren’t all that thrilled. the tones were not quite as hit. In a few years, things will certainly look very different. we moved on to “the hunna‘ and i knew i’d seen the band before, but mightn’t remember that they have some pretty great anthems up their sleeves. I was delighted – and so was the crowd around me!

we made our way to our tent – the timetable said that we had to wait until the appearance of “the kooks“ still had a little time. OK, wrong thought. at some point we had the feeling that we might hear “the kooks” from afar and we did – we scurried to the stage very quickly and realized that we had already missed a third of the set. the starting time was simply brought forward and announced on social media – but since we had no reception, we unfortunately didn’t check it. anyway – the rest of the performance of “the kooks” was super fine, we sang, we danced, we celebrated this great band!


29.07.2022 – #44 – airways, garden party, gabrielle, coach party, the snuts, sundara karma, the reytons, andrew cushin, stereophonics, pale waves

we only really noticed the funfair character of the festival the next day, when the whole area was open. a ferris wheel, circus tents, various attractions and play opportunities in the style of fairs and of course showmen who walked around in the most colorful clothes made the atmosphere incredibly homely. it was nice just to look at the site with all its special features!

but the main reason for our presence was the bands, and there was a lot to see on the second day. we started with “airways“, whose singer was immediately asked to take off his t-shirt. the atmosphere was very exuberant! then it went on to “garden party“, which didn’t convince me that much, except for the cover of “everytime we touch”. that was funny! it got really comfortable with the performance of “gabrielle” – for me a legend of my childhood, I always heard your songs on the radio and was so flashed when I then simply knew every second song. it was like a musical hug from my child self. splendid!

we moved on to “coach party“ who played in a tent and did it really well. good indie from england – and our hearts beat faster. “the snuts“ we only saw from a distance, unfortunately, but my hunger for ice cream might not be tamed and eating ice cream in the middle of the crowd is unfortunately never a good idea (according to experience). I was well strengthened at “beautiful karma“ – I needed the energy because I fell head over heels in love with the band and mightn’t stop rocking along. since that day the number “she said” has been my ultimate feel-good song. sooo great!

we made our way to a tent once more, because we wanted to take a quick look at “the reytons“ catch – but it was almost impossible! so many people wanted to see the group, so many people were super fans! somehow we made it to the side of the tent and it was so wild as the whole crowd was jumping and this group was partying like they were the biggest band on earth. Wow!

we scurried on, into another tent, to “andrew cushin“. it was quieter, more comfortable and the singer also made music that corresponded more to my indie taste. and then suddenly it was dark, “stereophonics“ played the main stage and we watched some songs. shortly before going to bed we looked around once more in a tent “pale wavesfinally seeing it once more – unchanged the 1975 style in a female form. was good, but we were incredibly tired and decided to walk to our sleeping tent.


30.07.2022 – #45 – the futureheads, matilda mann, levellers, billie marten, laura mvula, cassia, dodie, alfie templeman, sea girls, orla gartland, nothing but thieves, spector, we are scientists, courteeners

on the third day of the festival we put on our rubber boots – it rained all night, not heavily but it did, and since we didn’t know how the terrain reacts to rain, we decided to play it safe. turns out: wasn’t necessary anyway, but our rubber boots are nice and comfortable anyway, so not so wild.

we started our program withthe futureheads“ – rocking sound of old men. was nice, but somehow also a bit boring. we didn’t stay the whole set but moved on to “matilda mann“ – we didn’t know what to expect and found the most beautiful melodies. so magical!

it went on to “levellers“but the sound of the big stage was much too quiet and following so much comfortable indie i didn’t feel like punk at all. so we went on into the tent, to “billie marten“. I had high expectations because she has a song that I love. but unfortunately the set was a bit unspectacular. meanwhile “laura rain“ – finally rousing music that woke us up a bit. being alert was obligatory in order to have a portion of joie de vivre from “cassia“ to really absorb – good mood indie par excellence!

next was the set ofdodie“ on our program and I had no idea what that would do to me. at that point in time i really realized where i was and how incredibly happy this festival made me – and then it was too late, the tears were rolling down my cheeks while “dodie” played the most beautiful songs and danced wonderfully on the stage floor. following that it went very briefly to “alfie templeman“ – but unfortunately, despite super hits, he wasn’t that practiced in hitting the right note. it was different with “sea girls“ – this band just never disappoints! we heard the best songs from the best musicians – i was blown away!

my next, very important program item was “Orla Gartland“. I can’t describe how much their music means to me and when I was able to attend their concert, it broke out in me once more. tears upon tears of joy. i was so happy to see this amazing woman live on stage with songs that mean so much to me. i cried so much with happiness that i can hardly look at my boyfriend because i was so embarrassed by my tears. it didn’t stop until following their concert.

we got dressed next”nothing but thieves“ pure, whose music i also love. I only have a bit of a problem with them live – they just can’t get it across, there’s always too little movement on stage. so it bothered me that my friends said we have to move on to the next band called “spector“. I didn’t know the band, but I mightn’t believe what happened next. we went into this tent and this band with this charismatic singer was already performing and i fell in love: the songs were so good, this stage show was overwhelming and the whole circus tent was literally shaking. I can’t even put it into words how unbelievably good this performance was. followingwards i just knew: that was one of the very best concerts of my life!

following so much emotional chaos the whole day i was very happy that wewe are scientists“ scurried and I already knew this group well and it felt like “coming home”. I would have liked to go to sleep following their gig but we had to make a detour to “courteeners“, who crowned our great festival day with their anthems.


31.07.2022 – #46 – polar states, amy macdonald, jake bugg, vistas, easy life, the vaccines, jade bird, blossoms

we were pretty much exhausted on the last day of the festival. so we didn’t want to overdo it like the day before and wanted to take things a little easier. we went to lunch and then, thanks to excellent sticker marketing, spontaneously checked out the band “polar states‘ (and thought they were pretty good!).

it went on comfortably: “amy macdonald‘ trilled a bit for us, ‘jake bugg‘ put on a typical Jake Bugg concert (calm but beautifully timeless), the ‘views‘ were okay and ‘easy life“ were perfect for lounging around in the followingnoon. yes, we were super tired.

but being super tired was not a good prerequisite for the band that was next on our program: “the vaccines“ were wild as always, the perfect festival band, with lots of hits and a wonderful show. we let ourselves be carried away and realized immediately followingwards that everything was far too strenuous. the evening ended with a beautiful set of “jade bird‘ and ended not only with the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen, but also in a shower of confetti during the last band’s show’blossoms„.


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