From Amsterdam to Dijon, the Japanese Whill sets up its headquarters in France

2023-06-07 09:45:08

Created ten years ago in Japan by the current leader, Satoshi Sugie, the brand only arrived in France in 2018. ” Originally, the founder wanted to find a mobility solution for one of his friends suffering from a neurodegenerative disease, who no longer left his home and who no longer dared face the gaze of others. “, explains Guillaume Legendre, director of Whill France. Satoshi Sugie has thus imagined a wheelchair focused on design and easier to transport. The product was then developed in the United States thanks to fundraising, then in Europe and finally in France. ” Until now the brand only went through importers in each country in Europe and then the idea germinated, a year ago, to test a new form of work in France, that is to say to remove an intermediary, and establish a brand own », Explains Guillaume Legendre. An additional step has even been taken: From Amsterdam, the group has decided to move its headquarters to Dijon.

Dijon: a strategic choice

Originally, the Japanese were rather aiming for a move to Paris or Lyon. But Guillaume Legendre convinced them to come and settle in the capital of the Dukes of Burgundy, in full economic development. In addition to the fact that the leader is from the city, Dijon Métropole has several assets according to him: “ logistics is a strong point as Beaune, which is 30 minutes away, is a central place in France for all shipments, our main stock is in Rotterdam so the link between Lyon and the Netherlands is quite easy and we work with the Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The geographical location in Dijon made sense “says Guillaume Legendre. On the Dijon site, the following-sales service and customer management now coexist. Gear manufacturing remains in Japan. The French team has regarding ten sales representatives throughout the country. Three jobs have been created at headquarters and recruitment is planned for 2023. For the moment, we make regarding thirty sales per month. We have thus exceeded what our importer was doing in previous years », enthuses Guillaume Legendre.

The objective is to reach 50 units sold quickly and then for 2024, pass the symbolic bar of one hundred armchairs sold per month, knowing that the average basket is 4,000 euros.

Products reimbursed by social security: a new market

By eliminating the Lyons intermediary who sold the products in Europe, Guillaume Legendre was able to reduce the price of Whill’s entry-level product, a folding model that fits in all types of vehicle, and thus win a new market: that of products fully reimbursed by social security. ” In France, most occupational therapists and doctors do not want to hear regarding overspending so they only offer fully reimbursed products », Explains Guillaume Legendre. ” Until now, we had no solution to enter this market, which is the largest in France. “, he continues.

Currently, the company is between the 10th and 15th place among French wheelchair manufacturers. Its ambition is to enter the top 5. The manufacturer also offers a premium model that costs 6,200 euros with more features. ” We are on quality and reliable products, with attractive prices “says Guillaume Legendre. ” This is the Japanese rigor of car manufacturers applied to wheelchairs “, he continues.

Wheelchairs in car dealership

If the concept already exists in the United States and Japan, it is being negotiated at Toyota in France. ” In Japan, it is dealers who have the duty to remove the driving license of elderly people if they believe that they no longer have the ability to drive following a battery of tests. “says Guillaume Legendre. Also, for several years, it is not uncommon to discover a corner reserved for other autonomous mobility solutions in car dealerships. ” The idea is to target wealthy customers who do not need to go through social security to invest in an autonomous mobility solution, and who, above all, appreciate not going through specialist medical stores, which are not very attractive! “, concedes the leader. Negotiations with Toyota are underway on this development project throughout France.

Finally, to gain notoriety, Whill France is a partner of the preview of the film “Invincible Summer” which traces the journey of resilience of the entrepreneur Olivier Goy, suffering from Charcot’s disease and ambassador Whill.