Have your say: Consultation on Improving Access to Medicines and Other Health Products in Canada

2023-06-05 17:00:00

Current status: In progress

Comment period: June 5 to August 4, 2023.

Medicines and other health products are essential to improving and maintaining our health. Supply disruptions can cause hardship for people in Canada, as well as their families, and can put a strain on our health care system.

In November 2022, Health Canada established a Drug Shortages Task Force to further improve our ability to prevent and mitigate shortages.

We are seeking feedback on key elements of a strategy to improve access for people in Canada to drugs and other health products. The information gathered during this consultation will be used to develop solutions for Health Canada and other players involved in preventing shortages.

Join the consultation: to participate

Email us

Read the discussion guide (see below) and write to shortage.consultations.penurie@hc-sc.gc.ca to provide your feedback and make your voice heard.

Participants in this consultation

Health Canada is seeking comments from:

  • People living in Canada
  • Members of Indigenous nations and communities
  • Healthcare product industry players
  • Healthcare providers
  • Patient Advocates
  • Governments and regulatory partners
  • Academics and researchers

Main questions

In order to gather your feedback, we have prepared a discussion guide that includes a series of questions to guide your feedback. These questions relate to four key areas of action, including:

  • Increased communication and transparency
  • An agile regulatory toolbox
  • Better supply chain visibility
  • A stronger response to supply and demand

To know more :

Related links

Contact details

Drug Shortages Task Force
Health Canada
Email: shortage.consultations.penurie@hc-sc.gc.ca

#Consultation #Improving #Access #Medicines #Health #Products #Canada



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