2023-06-05 15:00:04
It is during the first three or four years of life that the microbiota develops the most. We know that there is already a colonization of your intestine by bacteria when you are in your mother’s belly. Your microbiota therefore depends on yours, and depending on the mode of birth (by caesarean section or vaginally), the microbiota will not be the same. The fact of being breastfed or not also plays a role, as well as the fact of having received antibiotics in early childhood. But we can still act following childhood, “It is even important to pamper him by eating well” insists Véronique Liesse.
How to feed your microbiota?
Not taking care of your microbiota increases the risk of disorders and diseases. We will therefore limit the consumption of alcohol, additives, sweeteners, pesticides and drugs without medical advice. Can also :
- Bring live bacteria
There are some in yogurts, kefir, kombucha, lactofermented vegetables. There is also the option of probiotics, to be taken as a dietary supplement.
- Provide fiber and prebiotics
We will find it in vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, flax seeds, chia seeds, etc. But they also exist in the form of a food supplement if necessary.
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