The Importance of Wellbeing in Corporate Culture: How Companies Can Support the Physical, Emotional, and Financial Health of Their Employees

2023-06-04 21:58:35

Companies have to flee from the classic expressions associated with the human resources function that denote conceptions that are beginning to sound very hackneyed, such as “people are the company’s main asset”. It conveys a feeling of ownership that is completely removed from the current relationship of companies with the people who compose it. The reality is that this relationship is becoming a relationship in which the company and its collaborators must work for the mutual good of both. If people are asked to be involved in its success and sustainability, the company must reciprocate with the support to its collaborators, beyond the strict employment relationship, that is, the company must assume a social commitment with its employees.

The pandemic caused by COVID-19, which has brought so many misfortunes, has reinforced the idea that many of us had regarding the importance of people in companies. Together we have managed to maintain the activity and guarantee its sustainability. In this complicated environment, companies have turned to our collaborators, the concern of all those responsible has increased very noticeably and we have made decisions with a very clear focus on the well-being of people, Wellbeing.

The Wellbeing concept goes beyond guaranteeing prevention in the physical health of the people who make up the workforce. It requires accompaniment and offering tools that address the four fundamental pillars that contribute to a good state of health: emotional, physical, social and financial well-being. How can the company contribute to the well-being of its teams?

The emotional aspect is closely linked to an adequate balance between professional and personal life, -a term that I consider much more convenient than the one usually used for conciliation-. This balance will undoubtedly benefit from the application of appropriate work models, in which flexibility prevails as an essential tool. Flexible hours or hybrid work models that combine work with colleagues and the optimization of work times with commuting are instruments that undoubtedly contribute to balance.

The work has highly variable moments of demand, generating more or less tension that is difficult to avoid on some occasions, due in many cases to its origin in external conditions. However, we can deal with this casuistry by promoting good relationships between teams, collaboration between people, and the generation of a good atmosphere in the workplace, thus managing to alleviate tensions. Leader training or Team Building activities also undoubtedly contribute to this end.

Emotional well-being and social well-being imply being able to develop in a safe environment, in which you feel that both your diversity and the diversity of all your colleagues are respected, promoting the inclusion of the entire team. The implementation of specific initiatives and programs that promote diversity and inclusion are increasingly valued by people.

Regarding physical well-being, the objective is for the company to make available to its employees resources that help them lead an active and healthy lifestyle, such as educational talks, free fruit, healthy menus in the office or sponsorship of activities Sports that encourage physical activity. In addition, the latter promote teamwork and favor the feeling of belonging to the company, also reinforcing the previously mentioned social well-being.

One last item that has been added as a pillar of a good state of health is the financial well-being. At GMV we know that having organized finances has a direct impact on well-being and, without going into individual privacy, at GMV we provide tools that encourage savings, as well as resources such as informative talks, press releases or infographic content, which offer responsible financial education and planned.

Many of the actions outlined so far have been running at GMV since it was set up almost 40 years ago, because they form part of the focus on people with which GMV was born, and which led us to formalize it into a Wellbeing program in 2019, expanding its reach. Subsequently, it has been developed taking into account the social context and the initiatives of many of the company’s collaborators.

Today, the Wellbeing program is one of the essential pillars of the value proposition that GMV offers its employees in a clear commitment to the talent that is so necessary to develop our strategy and achieve the exponential growth that we are experiencing and the ability to lead innovative and relevant projects worldwide.

Every effort has its rewards. The application of programs and policies that pursue the well-being of GMV people have ensured that the company presents health indicators that are better than the average for the sector. This is revealed by some data such as those provided by the insurer Adeslas, which show an accident rate seven points below the average, having dropped five points in the last three years. Along the same lines, FREMAP’s annual report places GMV at Temporary Disability (IT) rates that are 40% lower than the average values ​​for the sector. These results reflect the positive effect of GMV’s talent management programs and policies.

For all these reasons, the development of all aspects of corporate well-being is increasingly a necessity and a commitment of companies with their workers, due to the mutual benefit that they undoubtedly contribute.

ignacio ramos

Corporate Director of People and Infrastructure Strategy GMV

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