Over 200,000 Russian Graduates Take Unified State Exam in History and Physics on June 5th – Updates and Details

2023-06-05 06:29:13

In total, more than 200,000 Russian graduates will sit at their desks on Monday.

The unified state exam in history and physics on Monday, June 5, will be taken by regarding 202,000 high school students.

“More than 101,000 people applied to take part in the exam in history, of which more than 99,000 are graduates of the current year. More than 100,000 participants intend to take the USE in physics, of which regarding 99,000 are graduates of the current year,” the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science said.

The work on history consists of two parts, including 21 tasks. They are given 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete. The minimum USE score in history, below which universities cannot set a passing threshold for applicants, is 32 points, informs TASS.

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