Report Midday Rest Violations Anonymously in Qatar: Ministry of Labor Contact Information

2023-06-04 18:04:36

If you notice a violation of the midday rest rule in Qatar, you can make a complaint anonymously. The Ministry of Labor of Qatar has stated that the complainant’s information will be kept confidential.

Due to the heat, outdoor activities during the day have been restricted in Qatar. The Yantra is open from 10 am to 3:30 pm. This year, the relaxation started from June 1. This method should continue till September 15. The Ministry of Labor is also checking whether the companies are implementing this.

Any violations can be reported directly to the Ministry. Complainant’s name and information will be kept confidential. The number to be called is 40288101.

#notice #violation #noon #break #law #Qatar #complain #anonymously



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