2023-06-04 12:03:57
A passer-by encounters a strange bird. (Picture / flip from Weibo)
A netizen in Henan Province in mainland China happened to see a “paper bird” on the side of the road. The bird was covered with brown feathers and looked like a piece of dry grass from a distance. It looked very strange. According to eyewitnesses, the bird’s head has been staring at him, like a piece of paper. I checked it with my mobile phone and found that it is a second-class protected animal “macular reed bream”. The bird’s beak is very long, and it finally left following calling the police. .
It is reported that the small reed bittern is a national second-class protected animal, included in the “International Union for Conservation of Nature” (IUCN) ver 3.1: 2008 Red List of Birds. It feeds on various small fish, frogs, tadpoles, aquatic and terrestrial insects, crustaceans and molluscs.
It is understood that this is a mimetic skill evolved by the reed bitch population during the survival and development, which is the ability to simulate the environment and integrate with the surrounding environment, which is conducive to avoiding predators. The Luoyang Forestry Bureau stated that generally there are rescue stations for birds and wild animals. After arriving at the rescue stations, rescuers will take care of them and release them to nature following recovery.
According to the data, the yellow bream is a bird of the order Peliciformes, Heronidae, and genus Reed bream, and it is a medium-sized wading bird. It inhabits plains and open waters rich in waterside plants in low hilly areas. The nature is very alert, and when there is interference, it immediately stands still and stretches its head and neck upward to wait and see.
The body of the yellow reed bream is long and slightly flattened, and its wingspan can reach tens of centimeters. The mouth is long and straight, regarding 25 cm long, the lower mouth is taupe, and the upper mouth is dark brown. The eyes are golden yellow. The feathers on the back of the head and the side of the neck are orange-yellow, the chest and sides are light white or light orange-yellow, and the feathers on the wings and tail are dark brown.
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