Electoral Super Sunday in Córdoba: they vote in 88 municipalities and the results are awaited with interest

2023-06-04 18:10:00

Since 8 in the morning, 88 municipalities and communes of the province of Córdoba hold elections for renew authorities. In the municipalities, the mayor, councilors and tribunes of accounts are elected, while in the communes the communal chief and secretaries of the communal commission are voted for.

It should be noted that in some cases these authorities will be elected by vote, while others they will be proclaimed directly following having agreed on a single list, as specified by the Electoral Court. Some of the municipalities that went to the polls this Sunday with Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, Capilla del Monte, La Cumbre and La Calera.

The electoral calendar of the 427 Cordovan municipalities It opened on March 19 with the elections in La Falda, where Juntos por el Cambio was victorious. Another 227 interior administrations will vote simultaneously with the provincial elections on June 25 and the rest will be distributed on different dates until July 23.

In regards to the capital citythis Saturday at midnight the closing of the lists for the July 23 elections took place, an opportunity in which Rodrigo de Loredo, for Together for Change and Daniel Passerini of Hacemos Unidos for Córdoba, will present themselves as candidates, given that the front I believe in Córdoba will not present a candidate.

Cordovan municipalities that elect authorities this Sunday

There are 88 Cordoba municipalities and communes that are going to the polls this Sunday to elect their new authorities. One of them is Saint Rose of Calamuchitaa place where four lists are presented: the Peronist ruling party Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, nominated David Layus, current secretary of municipal government, for mayor.

Meanwhile, Together for Change nominated Eduardo Martín, Movimiento de Acción Vecinal nominated Gerardo Rodríguez and the Democratic Party, associated with La Libertad Avanza, presented Mario Mateucci as a candidate.

As for the municipality of They will return Río Cuarto, two candidates will be presented to succeed the mayor Fredi Decarlini of JxC: from the ruling party the radical Federico Soto, Social Development official of the municipality, while from United for Berrotarán the Peronist Alejandro Storello, current national director of Automotive Passenger Transportation.

In Mount Chapel, Punilla, four lists were postulated to bid for local positions. In the first place, the current Peronist mayor, Fabricio Díaz, is running for re-election from the Proyecto Capilla space, while Marcelo Rodríguez presented himself with Capilla Cambia, a nucleus of political partners of JxC, while from Vamos Capilla the radical Ana Buffoni and from La Libertad Avanza, Diego Settimo.

Elections in Córdoba: the results of the voting in 29 municipalities and communes

Talking regarding The topAlso in Punilla, the Peronist ruling party, Hacemos Juntos la Cumbre, postulates Pablo Alicio, current secretary of Coordination and Relations with the Community of the municipality. In turn, JxC promotes the radical Martha Pérez, United by La Cumbre to Gabriel Lozano and the libertarians to Facundo Cepeda Tadeo.

In the town of the Calera, located in the department of Colón, there are seven lists, headed by the search for the re-election of the Peronist mayor Facundo Rufeil by Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, who is supported by Governor Juan Schiaretti.

Thus, Rufeil will cross paths at the polls with the Peronist close to Kirchnerism, Gastón Morán, from the United We Do x Calera list, promoted by Martín Llaryora, candidate for pro-government governor, with Fernando Rambaldi, from the JxC list, Together for La Calera , with María Abdelnabe, from the Calerense Unity Movement, with Pedro Cuchallo, promoted by the Victory Party, with Augusto Chávez, from the Democratic Party and with Ximena Castillo from the Left Front.

On the other hand, in the town of Unquillo, Greater Córdoba, the secretary of the municipal government Guillermo Valli, for Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, Gabriela Farías, candidate of Juntos por Unquillo, Luis Rodríguez from the PRO and José Cabrera for Somos Pueblo Unquillo will compete for the mayor.

In turn, the municipality of Third River it is the only one that will have open, simultaneous and mandatory primaries (PASO) to elect its municipal authorities. They will be held next Sunday and eight lists from different forces will participate, four belonging to Peronism.

10-30-2022-Poll Ballot Boxes

It remains that the inhabitants of the towns of Amboy, Los Cóndores, Los Reartes, Villa Amancay, Villa Ciudad Parque and Villa Quilinzo, all belonging to the department of calamuchita and Colonia Tirolesa and Colonia Vicente Agüero for the department of Colón.

At the same time, in the department of Axis Cross Elections are expected to be held in Cruz de Caña, El Brete, Guanaco Muerto, La Higuera, Las Cañadas, Las Playas, Media Naranja, Serrezuela and Villa de Soto; in General Rock Buchardo and Huinca Renancó; in General San Martin Chazon, Etruria, La Laguna, La Palestina and Tio Pujio remain while Ucacha is missing in Juarez Celman and Isla Verde in Mark Juarez.

In the department little the communes of Las Palmas, Los Talares, Salsacate and Villa de Pocho will go through the electoral process; General Levalle in Pte. Roque Sáenz Peña; Bialet Masse, Cabalango, Cosquin, Old Estate, Beautiful River, San Roque, Santa Maria, Punilla, Huasi Hill, Tanti, Beautiful Valley, Giardino Villa, Siquiman Park Villa and Rio Icho Cruz Villa in Punilla.

Electoral calendar 2023: province by province, who is voting and when are the elections

for his part in Dry river they will go to the polls in Puesto de Castro, Sebastian Elcano and Villa Candelaria Norte; Calchin, Calchin West, Colazo, Las Junturas, Los Chañaritos, Luque, Pilar and Villa del Rosario in Second River; Colony Prosperity; Anisacate, Bouwer, Dique Chico, Villa San Isidro in Pump; San Jose de la Dormida in saint just and Justiniano Posse, Laborde, Pueblo Italiano and San Antonio de Litin in Union.

Finally, there will also be elections in certain towns in Fourth quarter: Achiras, Alpa Corral, Coronel Baigorria, La Cautiva, Las Albahacas, Monte de los Gauchos, Sampacho, Santa Catalina-Holmberg, Tosquita and Vicuña Mackenna.

Those who did not go through the electoral process

In other towns this Sunday it has already been confirmed who will be proclaimed mayors and community leaders without going to the polls, since they were formed single list deals.

Among them, Maricel Sánchez (PJ) will be proclaimed in Charbonnier; Rodrigo Aliendo (UCR) in High of the Quebrachos; David Farías (UCR) in La Batea; Nestor González (JxC) in The Limestones; Gabriel Cañas (United for Ticino) in Ticino; Federico Quiñones (Joined by Silvio Pellico) in Silvio Pellico and Raúl Mariscalchi (Together for Arroyo Cabral) in Cabral stream.

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