NEOS to Gewessler: You are the responsible minister

2023-06-04 13:41:45

Bernhard: “If nothing goes forward in terms of climate or energy issues, it’s a bit cheap to say that everyone else is to blame.”

Vienna (OTS) “I would like to point out to Leonore Gewessler that she is Minister for Climate Protection and Energy. And as a minister, it is her job to ensure that something goes further in these areas – but instead of taking responsibility, she is once once more looking to blame everyone else, just not herself,” says NEOS climate and environment spokesman Michael Bernhard to today’s ORF press hour. “The fact that the ÖVP has no interest in climate protection is nothing new, Gewessler already knew that when the coalition agreement was signed. And the fact that the SPÖ has not been inferior to the FPÖ in terms of destructive fundamental opposition is irresponsible. But when there is absolutely no progress on either climate or energy issues, it’s a little cheap to say: ‘We’re doing everything right, it’s everyone else’s fault’.”

The EU Commission and the Federal Environment Agency say clearly that Austria will miss the climate targets by miles if we continue like this, reminds Bernhard – “and the minister acts as if we are on the right track thanks to the Greens. That’s just not the truth. Where are the concepts once morest the exorbitant area consumption? Where are the carbon storage proposals? What is Gewessler doing to combat the labor shortage, which is currently slowing down the expansion of renewables the most? As a minister, it is her job to solve these problems and to seek majorities to do so. If she lacks the strength and assertiveness to do so, she should make room for someone who has the necessary leadership. We don’t have any more valuable time to waste in either the energy or climate sectors.”

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