Closing of the program to support innovation in the interior regions: Helping entrepreneurs in need of financing

2023-06-04 09:01:42

The program, which started in 2020, has made it possible to initiate 16 innovative projects in five interior regions, thanks to funding granted in the form of honorary loans.

The program to support innovation in inland regions, implemented by the “Initiative Tunisie” network and supported by the “Innovi-EU4 Innovation” project, is now coming to an end. A ceremony was recently organized in Sidi Bou Said to celebrate its closure.

The event was, in fact, an opportunity to highlight the role played by honor loans, the core business of the “Initiative” network, in stimulating young and innovative entrepreneurship in the regions. Initiated in 2020, the program has made it possible to finance 16 innovative projects in the following regions: Médenine, Gafsa, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid and Jendouba up to 750,000 dinars granted, in the form of loans of honor. Being a financial mechanism intended to support and support project initiators, the loan of honor has made it possible to give wings to entrepreneurs in need of financing. “The honor loan aims to leverage other types of financing. Sometimes, unfortunately, the banking partners do not take over the risks on the entrepreneurs we support and therefore the projects are 100% financed by loans on honor since the members of the approval committee of each of these associations believe in human potential” , indicated, in this context, Bruno Casalan, director of “International Initiative”.

From a simple idea to the creation of a network

Helping young university graduates who wish to launch their own projects is, in fact, the raison d’être of the “Initiative Tunisie” network. In any case, this is what Noureddine Ksiksi said in a statement given to The Press. “Dignity, freedom and work were the demands of the Tunisian revolution. So, we focused on the work component and we began to think regarding financing mechanisms for the benefit of young promoters who are struggling to find self-financing. This is where the idea of ​​creating the network germinated. We have submitted a file to the French authorities who have instructed the AFD to finance the creation of the network and “Initiative France” to support the region of Médenine for the creation of an association which grants loans at zero interest”, explained Ksiksi. The experiment, which was a resounding success in the Médenine region, did not stop there. “Initiative Médenine” has worked together with its French partners to duplicate this success in other regions, in particular Gafsa, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine. This is how the network was created and set itself the task of granting interest-free loans to young graduates from the interior regions.

Innovative projects having a positive impact in the regions

Handpicked, the projects that have benefited from the program have been selected and certified by a certification committee made up of Tunisian and French experts. They were then approved to receive the necessary funding. “The idea was to adapt to the Tunisian territory and especially to the interior regions. We went looking for projects that have an impact on the territory, but which also have a low environmental impact”, underlined, in this context, Anaïs Etilleux, program manager at “Initiative International”. During the event, beneficiaries of the program gave testimonials highlighting the role played by the support provided by the Initiative network in the development of their projects. Mohamed Farès Ghodhbani, founder of the “Livrina” platform and one of the 16 beneficiaries of the program, explained, in this sense, that thanks to the support he received under the program, his proximity has emerged. This engineer who chose to leave his job abroad to settle in his hometown, Kasserine, is aiming far. It has just started a development phase in Africa with the creation of a franchise in Burkina Faso.

Today, the “Initiative Tunisie” network has 9 independent units and intends to continue its expansion to include all regions, including the disadvantaged communal areas of Greater Tunis. “I know that there are many young people from other regions who call on our support and financial support. I want to reassure them and tell them that we are going to be close to them, but it is only a matter of time”, continued the president of the network.

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