2023-06-04 07:43:03
Al-Marsad Newspaper: Soup is one of the foods rich in nutrients important for the health of the body, specifically bone soup, which is a natural tonic for men’s health in the intimate relationship.
And regarding the benefits of “bone soup” on men’s health, according to Menshealth, brothandco:
1- Promotes male fertility: There is found in the bone cells from which the soup is made, the hormone osteocalcin, which has an effect on regulating the endocrine glands, improves the function of the pancreas, as well as the testicles, and also increases testosterone, and all of the above works to improve male fertility and enhance the ability Nationality.
2- It improves the erection process: bone broth contains gelatin, which is converted in the body into collagen, which works to improve the erection process, and reduces the occurrence of imbalances in it.
3- A natural sedative: The contents of bone broth improve the feeling of stress and anxiety, as the hormone osteocalcin improves mood, which also helps to promote sexual health, because anxiety, stress and sadness negatively affect men’s sexual health.
4- Enhancing immunity: Immunity plays an important role in health, as it increases the physical strength of the body, and fights health problems that can negatively affect the health of the intimate relationship. Bone broth contains important nutrients to enhance immune health and fight various diseases.
5- Bone and joint health: Bone soup is rich in gelatin and some other supplements that reduce symptoms of arthritis and improve bone health.
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