Man Puts Children in Mortal Danger at Brienz (GR) – Investigation Opened

2023-06-03 13:33:14

Brienz (GR)

“The man knowingly put the young children in mortal danger”

On Friday, a man walked in the prohibited area of ​​Brienz (GR) with two children. While the video shocks the town, an investigation has been opened.


Since last May 12, there is no longer neither humans nor livestock in the village of Brienz (GR) due to the threat of a landslide. But on Friday, a man was seen walking with two children in the forbidden zone. A video shows them going in one direction then turning around a few minutes later (see video above).

Questioned this Saturday morning, Christian Gartmann, member of the town’s driving staff, is still “speechless”. “There are obviously people who don’t understand the danger they run by not respecting the barriers,” he says. Recalling that the prohibited area is not only indicated by warning signs in several languages ​​but also blocked by a fence, he believes that “the man had to actively push the grid to the side”.

The trio was recorded by the village surveillance system. But it has not yet been possible to locate them. “However, we have clear images of these three people. I hope that we will soon be able to identify and denounce them, ”continues Christian Gartmann. According to him, a complaint for endangering others is possible: “the man knowingly put the young children in danger of death”.

A previous

Last weekend, cyclists had already crossed the barriers to get to Brienz. They had also been recorded by video surveillance. The municipality does not currently plan to harden the situation. “The barriers are very clearly marked. In addition, the cantonal police regularly patrol the area. We don’t know what else we might do.”

For its part, the Graubünden cantonal police have opened an investigation into this subject. She adds that “anyone illegally entering the prohibited area will be reported to the municipality of Alula/Alvra and should expect a fine”.


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