Gitex Africa Morocco 100: Showcasing the Kingdom’s Innovative Start-Up Ecosystem

2023-06-02 19:47:39

Some 100 Moroccan start-ups have played shoulder to shoulder with the heavyweights of technological innovation as part of the “Gitex Africa Morocco 100”, a pioneering initiative aimed at promoting the Kingdom as an investment destination in the field of digital.

Led by the Digital Development Agency (ADD), under the supervision of the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, this initiative has enabled start-ups that have a product or service incorporating a news component technologies to benefit from a dedicated matchmaking service with more than 350 meetings between start-ups, investors and companies at Gitex Africa.

For three days, these young project leaders had the opportunity to hold meetings with more than 900 exhibitors, including technological and governmental entities, ecosystem players, start-ups and investors, as well as with the most active investors and investment funds in Africa.

“This initiative is part of a dynamic driven by His Majesty King Mohammed VI aimed at promoting the emergence of an innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem oriented towards new technologies”, underlined Mehdi El Alaoui, head of the department. Ecosystem of start-ups at ADD.

In this sense, he noted that “Gitex Africa Morocco 100” has enabled young Moroccan talents to present their solutions and innovations, but also to know and exchange with their African and international counterparts, making it known that this initiative offered the possibility of having visibility to meet potential investors and give additional impetus to their projects.

Saying he was “very satisfied” with this “pioneering” initiative, Mr. El Alaoui said that Gitex Africa, the first global event to be set up in Morocco in the field of technological innovation, “comes to support our desire to become a technological hub at the continental level”.

A real showcase of national know-how through a carefully selected series of promising start-ups and dynamic and innovative business creators, “Gitex Africa Morocco 100” has constituted a global platform to highlight the various advances and achievements carried out by the components of the public and private national ecosystem.

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