Climate delicacies at Naturefriends huts | Friends of Nature Austria, June 2nd, 2023

2023-06-02 09:15:46

Saving the climate with pleasure

Vienna (OTS) The way we eat has a significant impact on our ecological footprint. Vegetarian or vegan dishes with locally produced ingredients are good for us and our planet. They are healthy, add variety to our diet and make a valuable contribution to protecting the climate and ecological resources. With the initiative “Climate treats in Naturfreunde-Hütten”, which starts on June 5th on World Environment Day, Naturfreunde Austria are setting a good example and encouraging people to eat more sustainably.

diet and climate

The food sector is responsible for more than a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, with a large part attributed to animal products. Global meat consumption has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Around 70% of the entire agricultural area on earth is currently used for animal products and the trend is still rising.

In Austria, annual meat consumption averages almost 60 kg per person – triple the amount recommended by nutrition experts. Those who often reach for vegetarian or vegan dishes are doing something good for themselves and making a valuable contribution to protecting the climate and our ecological resources and against factory farming, which is often associated with great suffering.

Another important factor in terms of climate protection is the origin of the food. Seasonal food from the region – ideally in organic quality – scores with short transport routes and at the same time supports regional agriculture, which is the prerequisite for the preservation of our cultural landscape.

Lead by example!

with her climate delicacies selected Friends of Nature huts throughout Austria set a good example according to the motto “Saving the climate with pleasure”. At the start, the Chairwoman of Naturefriends Austria, Mag. Andreas Schieder, the initiative on June 2, 2023 in the Weichtalhaus in the beautiful Höllental between Schneeberg and Rax: “With our climate delicacies, we show that vegetarian and vegan nutrition has nothing to do with doing without. Therefore, the participating Naturfreunde huts offer their guests creative meatless dishes with regional ingredients. In this way we make a contribution to climate protection, support smallholder agriculture and set a concrete example of how everyone can contribute to more sustainability and a good future.”

The fact that healthy, regional products are also popular with guests is confirmed Hüttenwirtin Manuela Grabherr-Gappmayer: “More and more guests are asking about vegetarian or vegan dishes. I am happy to support this trend and am pleased that our regional partners are also benefiting from it.” The Weichtalhaus offers seasonal wild garlic gnocchi as a climate treat. The eggs come from a local organic farm, the potatoes are from the Weinviertel and the wild garlic is self-picked. When the wild garlic season is over, another climate treat is offered.

“The climate change discussion is also changing eating habits: around 10% of Austrians already eat no meat, every fourth Austrian is considered a flexitarian and is consciously reducing meat consumption. We would therefore like to encourage our hut keepers to offer more vegetarian and vegan dishes, says DIin Regina Hrbek from the Naturefriends Austria.

Friends of Nature huts as a role model in terms of regionality and sustainability

The huts of Naturefriends Austria are a role model in sustainable management. This is now also confirmed by the result of a representative survey on the origin of the food that is served in the Friends of Nature huts: almost all the hut keepers surveyed rely on seasonal food from the region – where available – from organic farming. Organic origin is particularly important for dairy products, fruit and vegetables. 82% use locally sourced fruit and vegetables. 97% cook and bake with seasonal foods such as mushrooms, pumpkin, wild garlic, berries and apricots. Fresh dairy products are used in 81% of the huts. Huts in exposed locations have to make do with long-life milk.

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EU strategy for an environmentally friendly food system

Andreas Schieder reports on the “Farm to Fork” strategy of the European Union, which creates a legal framework for the development of a sustainable food system at EU level. In its appendix, the strategy contains proposals for 27 initiatives for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system, which are to be poured into legislative proposals over the next few years. “The Friends of Nature recognize the importance of a sustainable food system and want to implement these European and international strategies at the local level. We are therefore very happy to be able to make a small contribution to a more climate-friendly world with the climate delicacies Andrew Schieder finally.

World Environment Day kicks off on June 5, 2023

The initiative “Climate treats at Naturfreunde-Hütten” is carried out together with the Austrian eco-label. Eco-label companies were cordially invited to participate in the Naturefriends huts initiative with their “climate plate”. So far, around 40 Naturefriends huts and eco-label businesses have taken part in the initiative, and numerous others have already expressed their interest. From World Environment Day on June 5th, we will be presenting a selection of the dishes on our social media channels under the hashtag #KlimaRettenMitGenuss. The recipes for selected climate delicacies will be presented in a hut cookbook from autumn.

#KlimaRettenMitGenuss is part of the initiative funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation Rebels of Changewhich focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).

Questions & contact:

Naturefriends Austria
DIin Regina Hrbek
0664/852 1733

Friends of Nature International
Diin Kim Ressar,
01/892 38 77 | 0681/817 289 05

#Climate #delicacies #Naturefriends #huts #Friends #Nature #Austria #June #2nd

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