Preventing Kidney Cancer: Bad Lifestyle Habits to Avoid

2023-06-01 22:34:19

Risk factors include smoking, burnt meat, high-calorie foods, and obesity… You should also avoid second-hand smoke.

People with high blood pressure who eat too much animal fat, eat fried or burnt meat, and frequently eat high-calorie foods increase the risk of kidney cancer. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Renal cancer, which is cancer of the kidney (kidney), has a large number of patients. With 6,000 new patients occurring every year, it is one of the top 10 cancers in Korea. Kidney cancer is caused by a combination of lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure, heredity, long-term hemodialysis, and occupations exposed to heavy metals. Let’s learn regarding bad lifestyle habits that harm kidney health.

◆ What are bad lifestyle habits for the kidneys?

1) If you eat a lot of deep-fried and grilled meat for chain smoking

Tobacco doesn’t just cause lung cancer. Numerous carcinogens invade the kidneys and cause cancer cells to sprout. According to the National Cancer Information Center, excessive smoking is the strongest risk factor for the occurrence of kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma). Smokers are 2.5 times more likely to develop kidney cancer than non-smokers. Eating too much animal fat, eating fried or burnt meat, and frequently eating high-calorie foods increases the risk of kidney cancer. When meat or fish is grilled at high temperatures, carcinogenic HCAs (heterocyclic amines) are formed.

2) Why do fat people have bad kidneys?

About 20% of kidney cancers are related to obesity. Excessive weight gain is known to increase the risk of kidney cancer by increasing estrogen (female hormone) in the body and activating insulin-like growth factors. An increased risk of arterial renal sclerosis and inflammation in the kidney area is also hypothesized to be related.

3) High blood pressure but uncontrolled

Hypertension is also a risk factor for kidney cancer. As the pressure in the blood vessels increases, it is believed that cancer cells sprout due to continuous kidney damage and inflammation. In addition, problems with the metabolic function of the tubules that concentrate and transport urine appear to affect the development of kidney cancer. You need to control your blood pressure through regular diet and exercise.

◆ Symptoms?… No in the beginning, side pain-hematuria, etc.

In most cases, there are no symptoms in the early stages, and it is often discovered in an advanced state. It is increasingly discovered incidentally during abdominal ultrasound examinations for health checkups. In most cases, the size of the cancer is small and the stage is low, so the prognosis is good. However, 10-30% of patients are found with metastases to other organs.

Generally 1) Pain in the flank 2) Hematuria with blood in the urine, feeling a lump in the flank or upper abdomenThese are the typical three symptoms, but this is when the disease is quite advanced. Fatigue, weight loss, fever, anemia, etc., but most patients diagnosed early do not have any symptoms.

◆ Prevention?… Carcinogens more secondhand smoke should be avoided

1) Eat less animal fat, such as meat, and limit fried or burnt meat, which contains a lot of harmful substances. In particular, burnt meat should be careful because carcinogens such as benzopyrene are produced.

2) It is good to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber lowers cholesterol directly in the body. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in plant physiologically active substances, which have a great cancer prevention effect.

3) To control blood pressure, eat fresh food, walk, etc., aerobic exercise every day for 30 minutes or more, strength exercise 2-3 times a week is good. Exercise has the effect of lowering blood pressure and preventing obesity.

4) Smoking is the strongest risk factor for kidney cancer. It also increases the risk of other cancers, including lung, stomach, pancreatic, bladder, and oral cancers. Secondhand smoke should also be avoided. Unfiltered cigarette smoke contains more carcinogens,

5) Most kidney cancers have no symptoms in the early stages. Recognizing cancer by symptoms is too late. Abdominal ultrasonography and other health checkups are the best way to detect kidney cancer early.

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