2023-06-01 20:28:52
Serge Palaric, vice-president EMEA Alliances and OEM at Nvidia, was the guest of François Sorel in Tech & Co, this Thursday, June 1st. He returned to AI, where Nvidia joins GAFAM in the $1 trillion business club on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Alix Poulet, CEO of Leetchi, was François Sorel’s guest in Tech & Co, this Wednesday, May 31. She presented the online services offered by fintech Leetchi on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
On Wednesday May 31, François Sorel received Frédéric Bianchi, BFM Business journalist, Bertrand Pailhès, director of technology and innovation at the CNIL, Sophie Coulon-Renouvel, director of external growth, strategic and digital partnerships at Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Santiago Lefebvre , founder and president of ChangeNOW, Stanislas Maximin, CEO of Latitude, Sabrina Quagliozzi, correspondent in New York for BFM Business, Valérie Dmitrovic, general manager and co-founder of Quest Education Group (Gaming Campus), Chloé Razafritimo student at the Gaming Campus, Clément Bordes , former Gaming Campus student and product manager at Karmine Corp, and Alix Poulet, CEO of Leetchi, on the Tech & Co show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Sophie Coulon-Renouvel, External Growth, Partnerships and Digital Director, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and Santiago Lefebvre, founder and president of ChangeNOW were François Sorel’s guest in Tech & Co, this Wednesday, May 31. They returned to the tech for good awrads event, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Stanislas Maximin, CEO of Latitude, was François Sorel’s guest in Tech & Co, this Wednesday, May 31. He looked at Latitude’s future plans on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Bertrand Pailhès, director of technologies and innovation at the CNIL, was François Sorel’s guest in Tech & Co, this Wednesday, May 31. He looked at the CNIL’s action plan for the use of Artificial Intelligence in the services of French citizens on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
On Tuesday May 30, François Sorel received Frédéric Bianchi, BFM Business journalist, Justine Vassogne, BFM Business reporter, Thierry Cammal, director of the Renault Group Software Factory, Geoffrey Bouquot, executive director of Strategy and Innovation at Valeo, Romane Ricou, student in 5th year at ICAM, Georges Constantine, teacher at ICAM, Eric Le Balc’h, founder of Kokokikol, Sabrina Quagliozzi, correspondent for BFM Business in New York, Matthieu Lebeurre, partner at TNP Consultants, Antoine Meunier, editor in site manager Lachroniquespatiale.com, Jean de Chambure, JDC Advisory consultant, bureau-des-eveilleurs.com, Louis Blanchard, president of Qair, and Julien Chardon, president of ilek, in the Tech & Co show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Romane Ricou, 5th year student at ICAM and Georges Constantine, teacher at ICAM, were François Sorel’s guests in Tech & Co, this Tuesday, May 30. They looked at the advantages and disadvantages of the arrival of ChatGPT in education, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
Thierry Cammal, Director of the Renault Group Software Factory and Geoffrey Bouquot, Executive Director Strategy and Innovation at Valeo, were François Sorel’s guests in Tech & Co, this Tuesday, May 30. They looked at the future of Renault and its new partnership with Valeo, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more in podcast.
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