“Lebanon News: Future Movement and Arab Movement Leaders Embrace at Funeral”

2023-06-01 04:23:32

Lebanon Debate

It was remarkable the size of the embrace and kisses between a large number of leaders of the “Future Movement” and the head of the “Arab Movement” Shaker Berjawi, in their meeting during the funeral ceremony for the late President of the “People’s Congress” Kamal Shatila in the hall of Al-Amin Mosque in Beirut.

Among them was Brigadier General Mahmoud al-Jamal, who previously led the clashes between the “future” and the elements of the “Arab current” in Beirut and its environs, as well as the head of the “Beirut Association for Development” Ahmed Hashemite, who shook Berjawi’s hand with a “warmth” and described him as “human.”

It is noteworthy that many of the “future” personalities attended the mosque over two days to offer condolences in the presence of Al-Berjawi, and the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, had initiated peace with Berjawi, stressing that reconciliation had taken place.

It was remarkable that Al-Berjawi did not stop at what some of these people had done previously, considering that they are “the people of his region and there is no place for hatred among the people of Beirut.” So has the waters returned to normal between the “future” and Berjawi, or has the political decision at the time prevailed over the matter of those who confronted the son of their region and today they have returned to admit to him indirectly that they have wronged him?!

#Future #leaders #perform #Hajj #AlBerjawi



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