“Chile’s Soccer Team Returns to Action: Medel and Brereton Confirmed to Play against Cuba”

2023-05-31 19:53:16

On June 11, the soccer team of Chile he will return to action when he faces Cubain Concepción, in a preparatory duel for the upcoming Qualifiers.

It treats of a confrontation that has been looked at in less by the fan and the ‘world soccer’ in general, considering the low level of the rival of turn.

In fact, it was speculated at the time that the national representative would not send its main figures to this match, taking into account that the FIFA date, where the obligation of the clubs is to yield to the footballers, starts on the 12th of the same month. That is, a day later.

Despite this, the ANFP began negotiations so that important names from La Roja come to play in the capital of Bío Bío. And the talks would have given their first fruits, since two would have already ensured their presence.

This was reported by journalist Marco Escobar, from DirecTV Sports, who explained that Gary Medel and Ben Brereton will play the match once morest the Cubans.

“Despite the fact that the match once morest Cuba (11/6) is not a FIFA date (start on 12/6), the FFCh made arrangements with the clubs of the European teams and most of them will travel to face the islanders. Medel and Brereton, for example, will be there, ”he said.

Let’s remember that Chile and Cuba will face each other from 7:00 p.m. on Penquista soil.

Later, La Roja will receive the Dominican Republic in Viña del Mar on Friday, June 16, and will close by visiting Bolivia, in Santa Cruz, on the 20th.

#assure #referents #Roja #committed #presence



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