“Everything you need to know about Zinc and its deficiency symptoms”

2023-05-31 12:40:32

The trace element zinc is involved in numerous metabolic processes in the body and is also a component of many enzymes. Sufficient zinc must be supplied daily through food so that, for example, wound healing, cell growth and the immune system function smoothly. According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), an intake of 7 to 10 milligrams for women and 11 to 16 milligrams for men is recommended.

If the body receives too little zinc, this can have a variety of consequences. A zinc deficiency manifests itself through various symptoms. Anyone who knows these can take targeted countermeasures and, for example, increase the intake of zinc through nutrition.

However, since various diseases can also cause a zinc deficiency, existing symptoms should be clarified by a doctor.

#symptoms #signs

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