Democratic Party Condemns Dismissal of Korea Communications Commission Chairman Han Sang-hyeok: Press Conference at the National Assembly

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2023-05-31 07:01:04

Members of the Democratic Party’s Science, Technology, Broadcasting and Communications Committee held a press conference at the National Assembly today and condemned the dismissal of Chairman Han Sang-hyeok.

Cho Seung-rae, secretary of the Democratic Party of Defense and Rep. Chang Gyeong-tae, and others held a press conference today at the National Assembly Communication Center, saying, “The dismissal of the Korea Communications Commission, whose independence is guaranteed, in defiance of the legal term of office is an outrageous act that trampled on constitutional values ​​such as broadcasting independence and freedom of the press.” ″The government and the ruling party have clearly revealed their intentions to make the broadcast a propaganda and agitation broadcast of the regime ahead of the general election,” he criticized.

They ″strongly cooperated and mobilized all state institutions until President Yoon Seok-yeol dismissed Chairman Han Sang-hyeok, such as the prosecution’s search and seizure, the match-up indictment, the Board of Audit and Inspection’s wild-picking investigation, and the Personnel Innovation Office holding a Dap-Jung-Neo-style dismissal hearing and recommending dismissal. I condemn,” he said.

In addition, ″The prosecution, the Board of Audit and Inspection, and the Personnel Innovation Department will not be able to avoid responsibility for appearing as assistants in control of broadcasting.″ I will ask,” he said.

Regarding the fact that Hyo-jae Kim, a member of the standing committee, took over as acting chairman of the Korea Communications Commission due to the dismissal of Chairman Han, he said, “Acting Hyo-jae Kim was a reporter for the Chosun Ilbo and a representative MB man who served as the chief political officer of the Blue House in the Lee Myung-bak administration.” Concerns are emerging that the scenario of taking over broadcasting will not be repeated.”

In addition, he criticized, “It is said that a person from the Board of Audit and Inspection is selected as the secretary general of the Korea Communications Commission.”

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