Charleroi: “Summer 99”, a sparkling first novel to read this summer, signed by an author from Marcinelle

2023-05-31 03:00:00

Between the glaciers of Mont Blanc and the dunes of the Moroccan Sahara via the Riviera dei Fiori (in Genova), the author demonstrates that what matters in the trip is not the destination, but the road itself. . “It is between the lines that the essential emergeshe confides. When you embark on an ascent, you have to take the time to sit on your backpack to better admire the mountain, let yourself be overwhelmed by the emotions it inspires”. More than a hiking and vacation story, Summer 99 is thus the story of a transformation, that of the passage from adolescence to adulthood. The novel reminds us that with education, it is encounters and events that make us evolve and grow.

Charleroi has often inspired thrillers: even if there is a corpse at the start of this story – that of Bernard Avril’s father who leaves his son a posthumous letter with a hidden meaning, Summer 99 does not involve any crime to be elucidated. It takes readers along the paths of the inner quest of its main characters: the young Bernard Avril who is going through the complicated mourning of his father and the narrator whose path he crosses. Together, these big teenagers will go in search of keys and meaning to their adult life which is beginning…

Bertrand Misonne is a pen name. For professional reasons, this Marcinellois who works at the European Commission has borrowed the surname of his wife in order to avoid any mixing of genres. “As I publish articles of a scientific nature, I did not want to be associated with writing fiction”he smiles.

The book is nourished by his experience, he who spent four years in Italy and traveled a lot. He shares anecdotes and personal experiences. “The idea of ​​steganography, a process which consists not in encrypting but in concealing a message, helped me to concretize this editorial project which had been with me for a long time”he lets go, confiding that he designed the plot as a draftsman imagines his painting. “Except that my own sketches were memories of vacations that I had written.” The novel has just appeared in the Academia literature collection (282 pages). It is on sale at a price of 22.5 euros. In all good bookstores, as the usual formula requires.

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