Too much money to invest? Escape the lies

2023-05-30 21:00:13

Have you ever thought regarding investing and gave up for some reason? Phrases like “investment is not for me” are just an example of the lies that circulate around and make many people put aside the idea of ​​starting to invest, even more so in cases where the monthly income is high and there is already certain wealth accumulation.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t grow your money even more. Even because they are lies that we hear so much, it ends up becoming true. And so, we end up missing several opportunities to make money yield. Another factor is that it can lead you to wrong decisions, which do not match your profile. investor and target.

So, it’s time to get away from the biggest lies regarding the financial market and start investing. See below!

1. “Investing is very difficult”

It’s true that the financial market is complex and full of pranks, but you don’t need to be an investment expert to handle it. In the beginning, it is normal to find it difficult, but what matters is the consistency of the applications.

You can still hire an investment advisor if you don’t know what to do. In addition, there are other good ways to get informed like ebooks, blogs, websites, channels, videos and much more. Over time, you will know more and more regarding investments and then, will sharpen your goals. Never forget what you want to do with the money.

2. “Public title has no risk”

Some investments are safer than others, but it’s not risk-free. A difference is that some are bigger or smaller than others, so the tip is that there are ways to protect your money and avoid as much as possible what causes you losses.

What brings a lot of security in the Direct Treasury is because it has the guarantee that the government will pay.

AInvesting in fixed income means suffering less with oscillations than in variable income, but it is a lie that there is no risk. Carefully review all the features of each investment before investing.

3. “I’m too young to start worrying regarding retirement”

Don’t even think regarding falling into this trap! There is no age to start worrying regarding retirement. Especially because, the sooner you start, the more time you will have to plan and have a good amount per month. Otherwise, if it takes to start investing, the greater will have to make an effort to have a good equity without having to work.

Time and compound interest are the two factors that help your money multiply faster every year. So: start soon!

4. “This investment is guaranteed”

No investment has a guaranteed return, just as past performance is no guarantee of future income. Be suspicious if someone tries to convince you to invest in something because the money returns easily.

Do not go into any investment without looking for more information and also compare options before investing.

5. “It’s too late to start investing”

It’s never too late and it’s never too early either, this is another one of the lies that keep you from investing. That is, no matter your age, you can ensure that your money earns even more.

Just pay attention to the deadlines. A tip is to prefer short and medium term investments or those with daily liquidity, fixed income funds, LCI and LCA or Treasury Direct public securities, for example.

6. “You don’t lose money in fixed income”

Don’t be scared, but yes, you can lose money on fixed income. The name already suggests that profitability is already determined, but they are assets that show volatility and oscillations. In fact, not only can you lose, but you can stop yielding, that is, yield less than expected. Even more so if inflation and interest rates are on the rise.

The contracted profitability is also not guaranteed if the investor redeems before the maturity date.

Which of these lies have you heard?

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Got any questions? If you would like to know more investment alternatives, count on our advice! Contact us, we have a team prepared to help you!

#money #invest #Escape #lies



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