New Naarner community center should also attract an innkeeper

2023-05-30 07:03:00

The market town of Naarn expects a strong stimulus for the town center from a construction project that is intended to cover all the essential areas of local public supply. For this purpose, the building complex from the current office building to the former Walterer inn is to be renovated, converted and expanded. The planning for this has been in progress in the community for a year and a half, i.e. at the time when the community acquired the closed inn.

The concept developed since then, with a total usable area of ​​2000 m², envisages modernization of the municipal office, surgeries for general medicine and dentistry, a practice for physiotherapy, a bank and the existing hairdressing business. There are already fixed tenant commitments for almost all of these uses. The resulting visitor frequency should above all give new impetus to the search for an innkeeper. Because since the closure of the Lettner and Walterer inns, there has been a lack of a classic inn in the town center.

“The topic of gastronomy on the market square is currently the biggest challenge for us as a community. It hurts when the market square is empty following 11 a.m. on a Sunday because people don’t have a place to meet following church,” says Mayor Martin Gaisberger (VP). With the combined forces of all fractions, an attempt is being made to find someone for the 3700-inhabitant town who would like to host the Naarn residents as a tenant in the former Walterer inn. “The demand does not fail when I think of the numerous family celebrations such as baptism, first communion, confirmation, or farewell parties. Club events can also be held in the hall,” says Gaisberger. A start is now possible, adds Head of Office Andreas Bayrhofer: “The entire inn is in excellent shape and can go into operation immediately. Everything is there.” But it is also possible to get involved in the planning for the community center in advance and get started following the conversion.

When this conversion can start currently depends on the approval of the space program by the state of Upper Austria. After that, an architectural competition will be launched. The construction work is being carried out under the supervision of Neue Heimat, with whom a contract has been concluded as a “total contractor”. It is hoped that the vacancy program of the state of Upper Austria will provide support for the financing.


Bernhard Leitner

Local editor Mühlviertel

Bernhard Leitner

Bernhard Leitner


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