“7 of the Most Famous Dogs in the World: From Lassie to Balto, Stories of Dogs that Changed History”

2023-05-29 10:06:07

There are dogs that wrote film history. Other four-legged friends are still revered like heroes in their country today. And still other dogs achieved worldwide fame through their celebrity owners. TAG24 has compiled seven of the most famous dogs in the world for you here.

1. Lassie, the world famous movie dog

Movie dog Lassie with his friend Timmy, played by Jon Provost (undated photo). © Bert Reisfeld/dpa

There’s no question that when it comes to the most famous dogs in the world, the movie dog “Lassie” shouldn’t be left out.

The short stories regarding “Lassie” were invented in 1938 by the writer Eric Knight. Shortly therefollowing followed a novel, movies and a series that was broadcast not only in the USA but also in many other countries around the world.

The core of the story is regarding the collie lady “Lassie”, who, as an animal companion and protector, helps her various owners whenever possible.

The character’s tireless efforts were even rewarded with his own star on the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles.

This year, a new “Lassie” movie hit the big screen. In “Lassie – An adventurous journey” the brave dog traverses all of Germany in search of her master, 12-year-old Flo.

Fun Fact: Although Lassie is a lady dog ​​in the stories, she is traditionally played by male dogs. These have a denser and nicer coat than the girls, which makes them more suitable for cameras.


2. Hachikō, the faithful companion

Hachiko waited in vain for the return of his deceased master for more than 10 years. © Prokino dpa

There was once a dog in Japan that still touches people around the world with its faithfulness.

We are talking regarding “Hachikō”, a dog of the Akita Inu breed. The history is as follows:

Every evening the dog made his way to the Tokyo train station to pick up his master following work. However, when he died one day and his wife then left town, Hachiko stayed behind with relatives.

But following a short time the dog ran away from home and once more made his way to the train station to wait in vain for his loved one to return.

More than ten years passed, during which Hachikō appeared at the train station every evening, until he finally died of old age.

A statue in front of Shibuya station in Tokyo was dedicated to his faithful companion in his memory.

Even Hollywood took up the touching story and filmed it with Richard Gere in the leading role. However, if you want to watch the film, you should have tissues handy. Because one thing is certain: no eye will stay dry here.

3. Sam, Rascal and Co., the ugliest dogs in the world

It wasn’t enough for Rascal to win the “World’s Ugliest Dog” title, but he has already won numerous other titles. © Photo: Eric Risberg/AP/dpa

It’s a well-known fact that the United States has a penchant for the quirky. It is therefore not surprising that a competition is held every year in Petaluma, California, in which the “World’s Ugliest Dog” is chosen.

The cute four-legged friends, who go by names like Racal, Sam, Quasi Modo or Sweepee Rambo, are pedigree dogs as well as mixed breeds or even come from the street.

But no matter how macabre the competition may sound: there is hardly any other competition where the dogs are loved by their owners and celebrated by their fans as much as here.

Because of their, well, unique looks, the annual winners gain incredible notoriety, which is why they, too, are among the most famous dogs in the world in their own way.


4. Laika, the first dog in space

The then two-year-old mixed breed dog “Laika” during tests in one of the pressurized cabins (undated photo). © dpa/UPI/dpa

It’s been more than 60 years since the Russian street dog Laika was the first creature to be transported into orbit.

She was part of the Sputnik 2 mission and was launched into space on a small rocket in November 1957.

Unfortunately, the bitch died shortly following the start. But their return to earth was not planned anyway. The original plan was to end the dog’s life following a few days in space with poisoned food.

By the way, by 1962, the Soviet Union sent a total of 29 dogs into space. In addition to Laika, 17 other of them died. At that time, the animals provided important insights for manned space travel.

Even if the measure is more than dubious by today’s standards and is no longer practiced in this form, Laika is still considered a space pioneer and is still revered by many as a heroine.

5. Bo, the Obama’s “First Dog”.

Bo is the dog of former US President Barack Obama and became known worldwide through the media. © EPA/White House/ChuckKennedy

If you are looking for the most famous dogs in the world, Bo, the dog of EX-President Barack Obama cannot be missed.

When Obama ran as a candidate for the US election in 2008, he promised his daughters a dog if he won.

And he actually kept his promise, because Bo, a black and white Portuguese water dog, moved into the White House in 2009. This was a gift from the late Senator Edward Kennedy.

From then on, just for fun, Bo was often dubbed “First Dog” in the media. Because as the dog of the presidential family, he actually enjoyed some freedom. He was allegedly allowed to move freely throughout the White House, including the Oval Office.

Since then there have not only been various children’s books and stuffed animals that deal with Bo, but he even made it as a guest on some of the most well-known US American talk shows.

6. Barry, the lifesaver in the Alps

Barry the avalanche dog saved the lives of over 40 people in the snow of the Swiss Alps. © 123RF/Fedor Selivanov

A real lifesaver was the Swiss St. Bernard “Barry”. As an avalanche dog, Barry is said to have saved the lives of over 40 people by rescuing them from the snow as an avalanche dog.

However, whether he actually wore a liquor barrel around his neck, as is often depicted, in order to warm the rescued from the inside, remains controversial and is probably more of a modern-day myth.

After Barry finally died at the proud age of 14, a separate exhibition was dedicated to the brave dog in the Natural History Museum in Bern. Barry was prepared for this purpose and can still be admired by visitors today.

The brave work of the Swiss rescue dog has been translated into two films, including a Walt Disney-produced animal drama.

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7. Balto, the intrepid sled dog

A bronze statue of the dog Balto stands in his memory in Central Park in New York. © Chris Melzer/dpa

After Barry, the heroic avalanche dog, there is also the fearless husky named Balto. Because he is also one of the most famous dogs in the world due to his enormous stamina.

The Siberian Husky once tirelessly led a pack of sled dogs through ice and snow with the purpose of bringing much-needed serum to a small town in Alaska. This was when the disease diphtheria broke out, killing many children in particular.

Despite strong winds, temperatures down to minus 31°C and poor visibility, the dog sled relay, in which Balto’s team was the last, managed to overcome the 1000 miles.

A diphtheria epidemic was prevented thanks to the strength and endurance of the entire team of sled dogs.

The press followed the stages with telegrams and celebrated Balto and his sleigh driver like heroes. After a natural death at an old age, Balto was preserved and can still be admired in the “Museum of Natural History” in Cleveland. A statue of him also exists in New York’s Central Park.

These were 7 of the most famous dogs in the world. They all contributed in their own way itself remind people of them for generations.

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