“Unlock Strong Bones and Muscles with Vitamin D – Deficiency Risks and Benefits”

2023-05-28 16:07:30

May 28 – VOICE. Strong bones, muscles cannot be built without this vitamin, its deficiency leads to serious health problems.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, is involved in bone formation, muscle building, hormonal regulation. It serves as a prevention of brain diseases, depression, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, the MedikForum edition reports. Scientists have found that this element can slow down the rate of division of malignant cells. This is especially true for colon, lung and breast cancer.

Lack of light provokes vitamin D deficiency. Despite the fact that people now eat better and spend more time in the fresh air, vitamin D3 deficiency is more common than previously thought. More than 50% of the world’s inhabitants receive less of it.

Vitamin D supplements can be consumed, but it is primarily produced in the skin when exposed to UV radiation. Because of the dirty air in our cities, this process is difficult. Vitamin D deficiency is often asymptomatic. Therefore, you can check this indicator by passing the appropriate tests.

Earlier, GLAS reported that you need to change the diet for headaches.

#sunshine #vitamin #vitamin #deficiency



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