“Dietary Tips to Reduce Stomach Bulge: Expert Advice from Hong Taixiong”

2023-05-29 03:24:00

Some people may feel uncomfortable because of a bulging stomach. Hong Taixiong said that it can be improved through diet, such as controlling calories, avoiding excessive intake of salt, increasing water intake, and taking more protein and dietary fiber; schematic diagram. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Stomach bulge is a characteristic of the appearance of the abdomen, usually referring to the bulge in the central part of the abdomen. Some people may feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied with their appearance because of the stomach bulge. In this regard, Hong Taixiong, a teacher of the Department of Bioindustry at National Taiwan University, said that in order to improve the condition of the stomach, it is necessary to control weight, reduce body fat, increase muscle mass and improve intestinal health. It can be improved through diet, such as controlling calories, avoiding excessive intake of salt, increasing water intake, and taking more protein and dietary fiber.

Hong Tae-woong posted on his Facebook page “Hong Tae Woong Nutrition Education“The article mentioned that gastric bulge is a feature of the appearance of the abdomen, usually referring to the bulge of the central part of the abdomen, forming a circular or semicircular protrusion, and is more obvious in appearance. A bulging stomach can be caused by overeating, weight gain, fat accumulation, or muscle wasting, among other things. In addition, bulging abdominal muscles or loose muscle groups may also be one of the causes of bulging stomach. Here are a few ways you can improve your bulging stomach through your diet:

●Control diet calorie:One of the causes of a bulging stomach can be overeating. To reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat, it is necessary to limit the total calorie intake, and reduce the calorie intake appropriately, which can control the weight and reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.

●Consume more protein:Protein is an important nutrient for increasing muscle mass. Sufficient protein intake can help muscle growth and repair, thereby improving the condition of gastric bulge. High-protein foods such as lean meat, tofu or eggs are recommended.

●Intake of dietary fiber:Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort, and improve abdominal distention. High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, or whole grains are recommended.

● Avoid excessive intake of salt:Excessive salt intake can lead to water retention in the body, which can cause abdominal distension. It is recommended to avoid excessive salt intake as much as possible, and reduce the intake of processed food, junk food and high-salt food.

● Increase water intake:Getting enough fluids can help prevent bloating and constipation. It is recommended to take at least 8 glasses of warm water containing minerals potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium every day.

Hong Taixiong pointed out that adjusting eating habits through the above methods, together with appropriate exercise, can help improve the condition of the stomach and make the abdomen flatter and healthier.

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