FPÖ – Hafenecker: For Schallenberg, our neutrality is just smoke and mirrors | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-05-28 11:33:29

FPÖ demands a protective shield for Austria’s neutrality and sovereignty

Vienna (OTS) “I can reassure Mr. Schallenberg. In a federal government – led by a people’s chancellor Kickl – there is no place for a foreign minister like him, for whom Austria’s neutrality is just smoke and mirrors,” commented the liberal Secretary General of the NAbg. Christian Hafenecker the interview in today’s “Presse”, according to which Schallenberg would not be available under Chancellor Kickl as Foreign Minister. Under Herbert Kickl as Chancellor, there would only be members of the government “who make politics for those who elected them – that is, for our Austrians and not for the Brussels elite”.

“After Schallenberg himself confirmed in the interview that his term of office will only last until the next National Council election next year, I advise him to draw a line straight away before he really writes off our neutrality for good. Because our citizens deserve a foreign minister who strives for peace and tries everything to create it, instead of fueling the war with all his might. The ÖVP always interprets Austria’s neutrality as it needs it and fails across the board. As the only stable force in our country, the FPÖ is the only party that advocates an active policy of neutrality,” emphasized Hafenecker. This is also confirmed by the parliamentary petition he introduced “Active peace and neutrality policy instead of warmongering”, which is currently by far the most successful petition in the current legislative period.

That is why the FPÖ also wants to enshrine in Article I of the Federal Constitution that “Austria is a democratic, well-fortified, always neutral, sovereign republic, whose rights emanate from the Austrian federal people in order to create a protective shield for Austria’s neutrality and sovereignty – keyword ‘ Fortress Constitution'”. “Schallenberg’s views are good evidence of the hypocritical politics of the ÖVP. It does nothing once morest the ‘new migration of peoples’ and does not take any effective measures once morest the wave of inflation. The ÖVP likes to put the interests of its own people on the back burner in order to dance to the tune of the EU crates in Brussels. The ÖVP doesn’t care that they are burying our country, our social prosperity including the economy and the security of our citizens more and more every day,” Hafenecker concluded.

Questions & contact:

Liberal Parliament Club
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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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