“Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments”

2023-05-27 16:52:29

07:46 PM

Saturday 27 May 2023

I wrote – Nada Sami:

Blockage of the arteries of the foot is a condition that affects the blood vessels that supply the legs and feet. It occurs due to narrowing of the arteries in the legs and causes a decrease in blood flow, which may lead to injury to nerves and other tissues. It is known as peripheral artery disease.

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The “Consulto” reviews in the following report the causes of blockage of the arteries of the foot and leg, its symptoms and various treatment methods, according to “Web md”.

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Causes of blockage of the arteries of the foot and leg

Blockages in the arteries of the feet due to atherosclerosis occur when fatty substances build up on the walls of the arteries and make them narrower. The walls of the arteries also become stiffer and cannot widen to allow more blood flow when needed.

Occlusion of the arteries of the foot and leg is a common disorder that most often affects men over the age of 50 but can also affect women. People are at greater risk if:

Abnormal cholesterol level in the blood.


Heart disease.

– Hypertension.

– Kidney disease.

– smoking.

– brain attack.

Symptoms of blockage of the arteries of the foot and leg

A number of symptoms are associated with clogged arteries in the foot and leg, as follows:

-the pain.

Burning feeling.

Difficulty moving and walking.

Cold feet.

– A feeling of numbness in the foot and leg.

Cramps, especially during sleep.

Ulcers that do not heal.

How can blockage of the arteries of the foot be treated?

Arterial blockage can be diagnosed by:

Angiography of the legs.

– Measurement of blood pressure in the arms and legs for comparison.

Doppler ultrasound of the extremities.

Magnetic resonance angiography.

Surgery may be done if the condition is severe and affects the ability to work or perform important activities, if the person has pain while resting, or if they have sores that don’t heal by:

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A procedure to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels that supply blood to the leg.

Surgery to reroute the blood supply around the blocked artery.

Some people with PAD may need amputation.

Medicines that prevent blood from forming clots in the arteries may be needed, in addition to pain relievers.

Most cases of PAD of the legs can be controlled without surgery, although surgery provides good symptomatic relief in severe cases.

In addition to drug treatment, a person needs to follow the following:

-stop smoking.

Controlling cholesterol through diet, exercise, and medication.

Control high blood pressure through diet, exercise, and medication if needed.

Control diabetes through diet, exercise, and medication if needed.

Doing exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Maintain a healthy weight by eating healthy foods and eating smaller portions.

Also read: Signs of clogged arteries – symptoms that appear on the feet

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