Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Where have the flowers of the fig tree gone?

2023-05-26 14:47:39

Dear friend, dear friend,

It is a symbolic tree par excellence!

In the Bible, the fig leaf serves as the first garment of Adam and Eve.

The fig tree also represents abundance or science according to texts and traditions.(1,2).

It is also a tree that represents life or survival with its ability to withstand hot, cold and drought.

It grows everywhere, on almost all types of soil. The crack of a rock is enough for it to grow and prosper(1,2).

It brings shade and freshness to the towns and villas of the Mediterranean.

In antiquity, the fig was a sacred fruit for the Greeks while for the Romans it represented sweetness.

The fig tree was cultivated here and there, but it is likely that if you might question a Roman of the time, he would tell you that the best figs came from Carthage.(1,2).

For today’s herbalists, the fig tree offers two precious remedies, its bud and its false fruit: the fig.

The inner beauty of the fig

The fig tree is a tree whose size varies from 4 to 8 meters depending on the region.

Its leaves can measure up to 30 cm, enough to make a beautiful loincloth.

The fruit of the fig tree is an achene, that is to say a dry fruit which has a single seed. This fruit is said to be indehiscent, which means that it does not open spontaneously when ripe.

It is trapped in the fig itself.

And the fig is the receptacle of the flower that is within it.

It’s an inner flower!

The fig and the wasp cooperate

The pollination of fig trees is a miracle.

It is not done thanks to bees, but thanks to another hymenoptera: the blastophage which is a tiny wasp(3,4).

The blastophages measure regarding two millimeters(3,4).

They slip into the fig and then come out according to a complex mechanism that allows the pollination of wild fig trees.

Cultivated fig trees are often self-fertile and propagated by cuttings.

But in nature, there is a type of blastophage for each variety of fig tree.(3,4).

It is a co-evolution of the two species! Wonderful ! And what a mystery!

Fig once morest cough

All these details fascinate botanists. The therapists are interested, for their part, in the bud and the fig. There are treasures there too!

The flavonoids of the fig give it emollient properties, which means that the mucous membranes and tissues of the human body are relaxed by its action.(5,6).

The fig brings sweetness to the body.

Added to this is an expectorant action that helps the mucus to come out, as well as an anti-inflammatory action(5,6).

The fig soothes the affection of the bronchi. It is effective in case of cough, bronchitis or angina.

A laxative for children

The sweetness of the fig can also be very useful for your children and grandchildren(5,6).

In case of difficult digestion, and in particular constipation, the decoction or puree of figs can help them pass everything more peacefully.

This can also be done with a fig tea which will bring some calm to an irritated digestive tract.(5,6).

Buds for the joints

Finally, fig tree buds contain a white latex rich in proteolytic enzymes.

These enzymes act on the proteins they segment.

This biochemical action can have an effect on joint pain but also on difficult digestion and even on certain skin conditions.

The glycerine macerate of fig tree buds is in this case the remedy indicated to bring a little peace to the painful or affected areas.(5,7).

You can, for example, put 20 drops of glycerine macerate of fig tree buds in a glass of water and consume this drink twice a day.(5).

You will find these ready-made remedies at your herbalist, even if obviously it is not always given, alas.

Is it fruit? Is it a flower? No matter, the fig deserves to be on the menu!

From a nutritional point of view, finally, the fig has many virtues(6).

It is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, B, C and D.

Its high content of vitamin C makes it an antioxidant food, which is good for your immunity and slows down the aging of your cells(6).

The fig is also very rich in fiber which makes it a real ally for digestion in addition to its beneficial enzymes.

The fibers facilitate transit, nourish the bacteria of the microbiota and facilitate the formation of balanced and easy to expel faeces. This allows for a quiet and liberated digestive process. Which program(6) !

These fibers, finally, also regulate blood sugar. So the sugar content in figs is not a problem(6).

The glycemic index of the fig therefore remains reasonable (around 60) while it brings you great energy, which makes it a suitable food for athletes.

A toast for the break!

There are different ways to enjoy figs.

I appreciate it with cheese like Greek feta or with goat cheese for example.

This gives famous spreads!

For example, you can prepare slices of eggplant in the oven with figs and cheese.

Place your eggplant slices in the oven at 180°C for regarding 15 minutes, remembering to turn them over halfway through cooking.

Then add the figs and cheese and put your eggplant slice back in the oven for a few minutes.

Drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with coriander or thyme, your eggplant toast can be served as an appetizer. It’s a delight !

And if you don’t like eggplant, you can try the same combination with toast.

It is also excellent!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Protection #Natural #Health #flowers #fig #tree



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