“Soaking Oats: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Nutrient Absorption”

2023-05-27 02:35:35

Readying the oatmeal for the next breakfast or snack? It is normal that with changes in habits, doubts arise regarding what is really correct. In the case of oats, it is well known and has a good reputation. It is not for less, its components make it be on the list of athletes and nutritionists.

Now, regarding whether to soak it or not, there is an answer shared by the portal Easy cook from Mexico. Keep in mind that oats are around 50% starch. “Soaking oats allows them to be more digestible and, therefore, their nutrients can be better absorbed, and not only that: it will also help the nutrients of other foods that we consume along with it to be better absorbed ”, they express.

They also point out that this cereal contains some antinutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, lectins and phytic acid. “These inhibitors do not allow nutrients to be absorbed, which lose their effectiveness when you soak the oats.”, they add. Along these lines, they warn that eating oats without soaking is synonymous with not consuming all their nutrients, “not soaking oats can cause gas, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammation, because it has not been transformed,” they point out.

Now, if there are already reasons to soak it, they give extra instructions.

First, the oatmeal to be prepared is placed in a cup, then it is filled with water until it exceeds the cereal, then they suggest adding some acid component, “it can be a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or the juice of half a lemon.”

As a next step, they recommend not mixing and keeping for at least 10 hours in a place other than the refrigerator. Finally, rinse, strain and prepare.

Oatmeal: is it better to consume it in water or milk?

This cereal belongs to the grass family and, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), its seeds are rich in protein, vitamin E and B complex such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folic acid, phytic acid. , fiber, betaglucans, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, unsaturated fats or also known as good fats. In addition, it is an important source of antioxidants.

Consuming it provides multiple benefits, among them it helps to reduce cholesterol, protects the activity of the heart and allows weight control. In addition, it improves intestinal transit and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

However, there is a question as to whether it is better to consume oats in milk or in water, since their properties may be affected depending on how they are prepared or mixed. In this sense, Harvard experts pointed out how it should be ingested, especially when it comes to fighting cholesterol.

Other ways to incorporate oats into your diet

According to the magazine better with health, oats have important properties that help to fall asleep and restore the nervous and psychological system while sleeping. Likewise, he points out that there are multiple ways to prepare it and include it in meals, among them he mentions:

#long #oats #soak #consuming



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