2023-05-26 23:37:30
modern life
The consumption of vitamins should not be abused, as it can cause other health problems.
A stone or kidney stone is a solid piece that forms in the kidney due to substances present in the urine, according to Medline Plus, the United States National Library of Medicine.
In addition, he explained that kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl, and most kidney stones are cleared from the body without medical help.
In fact, the magazine Consumer revealed that the vitamin that expels kidney stones is C, since “the ingestion of only 5-10 g of vitamin C in the form of a commercial supplement causes a small increase in oxalate in urine.”
Therefore, the best food source of vitamin C is uncooked or raw fruits and vegetables, and the fruits that have the highest sources of this vitamin are:
- Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.
- Watermelon
- Watermelon.
- Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
- Red and green peppers.
- Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy vegetables.
- Potato or white potato and sweet potato (sweet potato).
- Tomatoes and their juice.
- Pumpkin.
Meanwhile, vitamin C supplements also exist and can be obtained with the vitamin alone or combined with other nutrients. “In general, the vitamin C present in dietary supplements is in the form of ascorbic acid, but some supplements contain other formssuch as sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, other mineral ascorbates, and ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids,” the National Institutes of Health (NIH) explained.
For its part, it is important to note that the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education, and research, explained on its website that research on the use of vitamin C for specific conditions has shown the next:
- Cancer. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including breast, colon, and lung cancer. However, it is not clear if this protective effect is related to the vitamin C content of the food. Taking oral vitamin C supplements does not appear to offer the same benefit.
- Common cold. Taking vitamin C supplements by mouth does not prevent the common cold. Evidence also shows that there is little benefit from taking regular vitamin C supplements to reduce the duration or intensity of a cold.
- Eye diseases. Taking oral vitamin C supplements in combination with other vitamins and minerals appears to prevent the worsening of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Some studies also indicate that people who have higher levels of vitamin C in their diet have a lower risk of developing cataracts.
What happens if you don’t consume enough vitamin?
“Scurvy causes tiredness, swollen gums, small red or purple spots on the skin, joint pain, poor wound healing, and kinky or corkscrew-shaped hair. Other symptoms of this disease include depression, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, and loosening or loss of teeth. People with scurvy may also suffer from anemia. Without treatment, scurvy is deadly.” explained.
In any case, the information given above is in no way a substitute for medical advice andTherefore, the first thing to do is consult a health expert, so that he or she can guide the process and indicate what is most appropriate for each person.
#vitamin #expels #kidney #stones