2023-05-25 05:53:08
In yet another attempt to “at the same time”, the President of the Republic, campaigning for his re-election, announced two measures aimed at the most vulnerable, and in particular to those likely to receive the active solidarity income, the RSA. One is a toughening of social policy. It provides for new conditions for the payment of the RSA, subject in particular to compliance with a new single employment contract, defined in the bill on full employment, which puts France Travail on track and will be presented in June to the Council of Ministers. At the same time, experiments are beginning in 18 departments, in particular with fifteen to twenty hours of weekly support for recipients, the terms of which are still unclear.
The other measure defended during the campaign by Emmanuel Macron aims to fight once morest the non-use of social benefits. Less highlighted than the RSA under conditions, this vast project of payment at source starts slowly. Some experiments will begin in September, with the candidate communities to become a “zero non-recourse territory” having to submit their application by the end of this week. This “solidarity at the source”, which would not result in an automatic payment, would initially concern the RSA, the activity bonus and housing aid.
If the Lenglart report devoted to the universal activity income, which included elements of quantification on this non-recourse, has still not been published more than a year following being submitted to Matignon, some public data give an overview of the scale of the phenomenon. For the RSA, for example, one in three eligible households (34%) does not request it, according to a study by the Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department in 2018. The latter estimates that, as a result, the sums not paid “would reach 750 million euros per quarter”, or regarding 3 billion per year. For the minimum old age, it is half of the single people who can claim it who do not ask for it – which represents 1 billion euros not paid. Among the reasons for this massive non-use, the DREES questions in its barometer a part of the population, not only the recipients, and notes that 37% of those polled cite the lack of information on aid or organizations, 22% too complex administrative procedures, 17% the fear of negative consequences, such as control and loss of rights…
#eligible #households #RSA #Liberation