“Understanding the Psychological Toll of Breast Cancer: Life After the Diagnosis, The Brava Series Finale”

2023-05-26 13:19:08

On Thursday night the final chapter of Bravaa documentary series by Claudia Conserva that was marked by her recovery from breast cancer, which she was diagnosed with in 2022. However, the series did not end there, since He also wanted to portray what happened to him psychologically after the disease.

After ringing the bell in the oncology area, Conserva begins to prepare to go on vacation with her husband, Juan Carlos Valdivia. “The idea is to rest”he said then, assuring that he is still undergoing treatment, despite being cancer-free.

According to Conserva, the trip was made to “an island where everything is half hippie, it is not so crowded and there are no cars around. People walk, it’s a very small place, so we thought that It was a good place to meet again and relax for a while”.

Valdivia, for his part, explained that the idea was “to be alone on a more intimate level. Recognize, meet and talk about what happenedtake stock of what happened and how to continue ”.

In that, the television host recalled that, after being informed that she was free of cancer, they offered psychological help to her and her family, but, due to the joy of the moment, They decided to reject it as they did not see it necessary.

“Today I don’t know if I would refuse again. Finally, I ended up crying out for help when my body and my mind couldn’t give anymore “revealed then.

This is because not everything was rosy on the long-awaited trip, despite Conserva’s excitement.

“Something very strange is happening to me. We have been on vacation for three days, in this beautiful place, and the three days I have cried. I am in tremendous depression, ”she comments in one of the videos, visibly affected.

“Now I am living in my own flesh the psychological distortion, the shit that remains in the head after an experience like this”continued Conserva.

According to the host of Milf, “I did not stop crying” during all those days. Likewise, she assured between sobs that “the ‘Chicken’ had to stay eating alone and tears ran down my eyes. He, cute, told me ‘don’t worry, go to the room and recover’”.

“I have been arriving at the room and I cannot stop crying. I am very sorry that the ‘Chicken’ goes through this. She planned the holidays and I have cried every day. I can’t stop feeling anguish… he doesn’t deserve this, ”she continues to say through tears.

The psychological exhaustion of Claudia Conserva

According to Valdivia, that decompensation that his wife experienced it was due to the exhaustion that his fight against cancer meant on a psychological level.

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“He used a lot of energy that after having had a recovery, obviously the bill passed to him. All those emotions at some point had to be thrown away. They are contained emotions: uncertainty, anger that had to be thrown away with tears, which is super healthy. The body had to throw away that tension and that grief, ”explained the entertainer.

In order to get out of the cycle of anguish that Coserva was going through on that vacation, the couple talked and agreed to live the trip to enjoyreleasing a little the strict care measures of Conserva and thus, feel relaxed.

“It did me so good, in those days together we connected, talked, laughed, walked, had adventures, reflected… It was the best invitation my husband has given me”mentioned the entertainer while showing the couple on the beach, restaurants and walking through nature.

“I have taken a number of pills for depression, infinite, where sometimes one does not feel anything. But this man who is there has made me feel incredible things. You annul the effect of the pills (…) a very bad influence, because it makes me infinitely happy ”, the cheerleader mentions to her husband in another record.

About that moment, Conserva explained that “it doesn’t necessarily mean that they tell me ‘there’s no cancer in your body’ means that I’m fine. Cause my head, my mind, it wasn’t right and probably not today either, because I continue to take medication, because this is a very long process that I am now chewing over ”.

“I am deciding what to do for the rest of my life. I am in a process that will last a long time”hill.

#Claudia #Conserva #psychological #effects #suffers #beating #cancer

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