2023-05-24 07:50:28
Monday, May 22, 2023, Agnès Firmin Le BodoMinister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Prevention in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions accompanied by Jean-Christophe CombeMinister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities, of Stanislas GueriniMinister of Transformation and the Public Service, and of Jean-Francois CarencoMinister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories in charge of Overseas France, brought together the first steering committee of ecological planning for the health system.
THE climate, energy and ecological emergencies impose an unprecedented acceleration of collective measures to drastically reduce the environmental footprint of our activities. For this, the President of the Republic has, for the first time in the history of the country, entrusted ecological planning directly to the Prime Minister.
The health system therefore also has a major role to play in controlling its impact. He must transform pave the way towards a more sober, more sustainable, circular and less dependent on fossil fuels system.
The ecological transition in health is a sustainable health approach promoting the integration of economically viable, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable measures, promoters of health and well-being. Because indeed the health system today is:
- More than 8% of national greenhouse gas emissions (nearly 50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent).
- The impact ofcare offer represents approximately 45% of these 50 million tonnes. Medicines and medical devices generate the remaining 55%.
- A sector that must do its part in the necessary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 5% per year until 2050in order to respect the French national commitment to stay below the bar of an additional +1.5°C.
- A major role to play in control of its impact in terms of biodiversity, the depletion of natural resources and access to fresh water, or the degradation and pollution of natural environments.
Many local initiatives for ecological transformation exist and testify to the strong expectations expressed by the actors of the health sector. They guided the development of the roadmap presented during the COPIL. The wish shared by the greatest number of people to “find meaning” at work and to collaborate on committed projectsbuoyant and inspiring, make national ecological transformation strategy and major tool for cohesion and attractiveness for health workers.
The ministers meeting Monday, May 22 in a steering committee at the Ministry of Health and Prevention have committed to work around the following seven areas:
- Accentuate renovation and energy transformation of the health and medico-social building stock.
- Accelerate the transition to sustainable shopping and eating.
- Transform and support practices towards eco-responsible care from 2023.
- Accelerate the waste reduction and recovery by 2030 and optimize the DASRI scope to limit it as much as possible from 2024.
- Train all hospital civil servants to the ecological transition, starting with the 6,500 hospital executives by the end of 2024: unprecedented training adapted to the specific challenges of health and allowing concrete action, thanks to sharing of experience and visits to ground.
- Raise the awareness of all health and administrative professionals regarding eco-design medico-social care and support, and supporting research projects.
- Accelerate the transition to low and very low emission transport and mobility patterns by 2030.
- Develop a roadmap for green digital health.
In order to guarantee both expertise but also knowledge of the field and to ensure a permanent link with the members of the COPIL, five recognized experts on this subject have been appointed:
- Alice Barasdental surgeon, specialist in the subjects of ecological transformation of city practices.
- Laurie Marrauldprofessor at EHESP and member of the Shift project, specialist in decarbonization of the health system and more particularly in training topics.
- Sarah Ouanhnondirector of the greener NHS (United Kingdom), specialist in the subjects of sustainable purchasing and the greening of health products.
- Patrick PessauxPU-PH surgeon at the University Hospital of Strasbourg, specialist in eco-care, eco-responsible blocks and waste.
- Charlotte SorinCSR director at the Red Cross, specialist in the ecological transformation of the medico-social sector.
Encouraging and planning the ecological transformation of the sector means acting for a sustainable care system, for healthier fellow citizens, for an ecological and fair France.
“Because our French health system is not – and will not be – spared from the irreversible consequences of climate change. Because the quality of care provided, everyone’s health and the sustainability of a system envied around the world are at stake. We must now include the health sector in strong, concrete and comprehensive ecological planning. Our ambition must be up to the challenge: to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 5% per year by 2050. Our action, as always, will be agile, pragmatic and as close as possible to the realities on the ground. – Agnès Firmin le Bodo
“We must undertake radical changes in our ways of producing, consuming and acting. The medico-social sector, like all the others, must do its part in the necessary reduction in emissions by 5% per year until 2050, to meet our commitments and above all to adapt to the new climate situation. Waste management, the travel of home helpers in particular, the energy sobriety of buildings, which are still poorly insulated, or the overconsumption of medicines are priority subjects that we must take up. – Jean-Christophe Combe
“The prerequisite for effective action is training: this summer, hospital workers will begin training in ecological transition, starting with the 6,500 senior executives. Concrete, face-to-face training that deals with systemic issues while taking into account the specific challenges of the world of health. Ultimately, the entire public service will be trained to understand and prepare for the ecological transition of our public services. – Stanislas Guerini
“The ecological planning of the overseas health system is both a challenge and an opportunity: a challenge, because the overseas territories suffer from difficulties and structural handicaps which are added to those of France; a chance, because they are on the front line in the face of climate change and can become, thanks to this roadmap, the outposts of innovative solutions in terms of access to sustainable, equitable and quality care. – Jean-Francois Carenco
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