“Belgium Night Trains Bill: Federal State to Cover Infrastructure Costs for Operators”

2023-05-25 16:47:06

Led by the Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo), the text aims to support the development of night trains departing from or arriving in Belgium.

In concrete terms, this bill allows the Federal State to bear the charge for the use of the railway infrastructure as well as the costs of traction energy for operators of night trains. The budget devoted to the measure amounts to 2 million euros. The aid is planned for the years 2023 and 2024.

Its entry into force will be determined by the government according to the date of approval of the aid scheme by the European Commission.

The text was approved by the majority, joined by Les Engagés and DéFI. The N-VA voted once morest. Vlaams Belang and PTB abstained.

the staple

The Chamber also adopted, and unanimously, a bill validating a 2% increase in the Grapa (guaranteed income for the elderly) on July 1st.

Led by the Minister of Pensions Karine Lalieux, this text implements the adaptation to the well-being of the Grapa, provided for in the proposal for the distribution of the 2023-2024 well-being envelope. At the end of November, the federal government had decided to pay this envelope at 100%.

Concretely, the allocation will therefore increase by 2% on 1 July. Currently, the basic amount is 973.39 euros.

Better protection of critical infrastructures

The Chamber also unanimously adopted Thursday in plenary session a bill by the Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, which aims to strengthen the security of critical infrastructure in the supply of gas, electricity and oil. .

The text modifies the law of 1 July 2011 on critical energy infrastructures. It requires their operators to carry out internal and external audits to ensure that the measures provided for in their safety plan are properly applied.

These audits should make it possible, if necessary, to improve these internal security plans, in consultation with the energy administration (FPS Economy), which is responsible for supervision and inspections in this area.

In recent years, the government had already decided to increase the physical and IT security of energy infrastructures. After the designation of new critical infrastructures in February, the number of operators of such facilities had increased from 3 to 33.

After the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in October in the Baltic Sea, the minister had asked for inspections of gas infrastructures in the North Sea. Since then, the administration has also launched an awareness campaign with the sector.

The Chamber also adopted a bill modifying the investment thresholds and the auction volume of the Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM). On this text, the PTB and Les Engagés abstained.

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