“Beware of Credit Card Data Breach: 7356 Belgians at Risk on Dark Web”

2023-05-25 09:41:00

Your credit card may be on sale. No, it’s not a bad joke, but the alert issued by the NordVPN cybersecurity service. One of their advisers explains that the data of 7356 Belgians is currently for sale on the dark web. “The maps found by the researchers are only the tip of the iceberg. The information sold with these cards makes them much more dangerous, ”he said in comments relayed by our colleagues from Geeko.

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Concretely, it is therefore the data of the credit cards which are compromised. This also includes the home address, associated e-mail addresses, telephone numbers… of the victims. And that worries, as the leak seems important. “In the past, experts associated payment card fraud with brute force attacks – when a criminal tries to guess a payment card number and CVV to use their victim’s card. However, most of the cards we found during our research were sold with the email address and home address of their victims, which are impossible to crack. We can therefore conclude that they were stolen using more sophisticated methods, such as phishing and malware (…) If a data breach or hack exposes users’ card details along with their addresses and other personal information, it may lead to identity theft. Once the hacker has obtained the victim’s name, home address and email address, they can even abuse legal methods (such as using the GDPR access right to obtain more personal information ) to further their identity theft scheme or commit other malicious activities. »

For your information, you should also know that your data is “not worth much” on the dark web since a Belgian credit card sells for around 7 euros.

#cards #thousands #Belgians #compromised #dangerous



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