AVISO: Presentation “Austrian Consumer Dialogues 2023: Food” – June 7, 11:30 a.m

2023-05-25 04:30:30

COMÚN Foundation organizes the largest dialogue event for consumers for the first time in Steyr, press conference with Provincial Councilor Stefan Kaineder & Mayor Markus Vogl, among others

Vienna (OTS) Die „Austrian consumer dialogues“, organized for the first time last year by the non-profit federal foundation COMÚN, will take place for the third time in autumn. This time the focus is on food, from September 28th to 30th, 2023 numerous lectures, discussions & workshops, as well as two exhibitions will be free of charge and accessible to all interested parties in the Museum Arbeitswelt in Steyr.

In addition to the three federal ministers Leonore Gewessler, Johannes Rauch and Norbert Totschnig, dozens of experts from business, science and civil society will also be personally involved on site. The “Consumer Dialogues” are also explicitly aimed at students who are already involved in the organization in advance. We cordially invite media representatives to the presentation of the programme:

When: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 11:30 am
Where: Museum Arbeitswelt, Steyr
There are:

  • Sebastian Bohrn Mena, Director of the COMÚN Foundation
  • Markus Vogl, Mayor of the City of Steyr
  • Stefan Kaineder, Upper Austria Provincial Councilor for the Environment
  • Karl Grabmayr, Vice President of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Agriculture
  • Katrin Fischer, Head of the Eating Knowledge Project
  • Jasmin Lengauer, Romana Fellinger, Julia Pfanner & Eva Buchner, students of the HLW Steyr

To register under board@comun.at is requested.

Questions & contact:

COMÚN Foundation, +436607038864, Board of Directors@comun.at

#AVISO #Presentation #Austrian #Consumer #Dialogues #Food #June #a.m



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