Eferdinger spectacle enters the second round

2023-05-25 01:04:00

The music and art spectacle took place for the first time last year. On the weekend of June 3rd and 4th, the center of the district town will be used for the second time by regional and national artists at the “ef ART ING” event. The organizing team around Elisabeth Lef and Katharina Dengel is happy regarding even more contributions than in the previous year.

On Saturday, MaulWurf, The Köter, Mafia, JOE and PAST rock the stage at Stadtplatz. DeJaVu, Redkin, Hertha and the Werewolves of Rock Music perform there on Sunday. The string orchestra of the music school, Power Sax, the Improtheater Gangart and the Hausruckmusi also play.

In addition to musical contributions, there will also be street art (including an Argentine duo), dance performances and visual arts. Since there is no entrance fee, the artists only play for hat money.

Artists from the Eferdinger Kunstgruppe 2000 portray visitors at Ammerer-Platz for a good cause.

In addition to the town square with its own stage, performance venues are the Ammerer-Platz in Schmiedstraße, the former Schlecker building, the KreaKtiv-Zentrum and this year the inner courtyard of the Bräuhaus, where the state music school will be represented with several ensembles. Artists exhibit their works in the foyer of the Bräuhaus and visitors can look over their shoulders as they work creatively.

The entire program can be found on Facebook and Instagram at ef.art.ing


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