“Preparing for the Next Pandemic: WHO’s List of Catastrophic Diseases That Could Cause a Global Epidemic”

2023-05-24 23:52:27

Recently, the World Health Organization issued an alarm message to the entire world population, so that countries make the necessary changes and prepare for a new pandemic.

It was Tedros Adhanom. director of the WHO, who assured that the planet is on alert for a new pathogen that might be much worse than COVID-19.

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“When the next pandemic comes, which it will, we must be prepared to respond decisively, collectively and equitably,” said Tedros Adhanom, director of the entity.

It should be remembered that at the end of 2022 the WHO began to investigate the so-called ‘disease X’, which refers to an unknown pathogen with the ability to trigger a serious international epidemic.

Within the studies, different types of disease have been cataloged that can cause a new pandemic, much worse than that caused by the COVID-19 virus. Below we tell you the possibilities.

This is not the first time that the World Health Organization has made a list of diseases that might cause a global epidemic, which might be catastrophic for humanity, since it has been doing so since 2017.

However, below we will tell you, according to the latest data from the organization, what these possible pathogens are.

  • Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: It is a viral disease transmitted by infected ticks or by contact with blood and body fluids from infected animals or people. It can cause symptoms such as high fever, muscle aches, headache, malaise, and in severe cases, bleeding, jaundice, and damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys. It should be noted that there is no specific treatment.
  • ebola: It is a serious and fatal viral disease that causes fever, diarrhea, rashes, kidney and liver dysfunction, and in some cases, internal and external bleeding in humans and primates. It is transmitted through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs, or other bodily fluids of infected animals or people.
  • disease by marburg virus: Marburg virus disease is similar to Ebola in that it is transmitted through direct contact with blood, secretions, and bodily fluids. Symptoms include fever, headache, weakness, muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and in some cases, severe bleeding.
  • Nipah virus disease: it is a zoonotic viral infection that originates in fruit bats and can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected species. It can cause fever, headache, dizziness, encephalitis, pneumonia, and in some cases, severe neurological damage.
  • Lassa fever: It is an acute viral disease transmitted to humans through contact with food or utensils contaminated by rodent feces. The initial symptoms are similar to those of the flu and can progress to high fever, bleeding, multiple organ failure and in some cases, it can even be fatal.
  • Zika: This virus is mainly transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. Zika infection in most cases is asymptomatic or causes mild symptoms similar to conventional flu. However, in pregnant women, the infection can cause serious congenital complications in the fetus, such as microcephaly and other neurological defects.
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS): MERS is a respiratory illness caused by a type of coronavirus known as MERS-CoV and is transmitted primarily through close contact with infected camels or through human contact in healthcare settings. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and in some cases, acute respiratory failure.
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): It is a fairly serious respiratory disease caused by the SARS coronavirus. It can be spread through close contact with an infected person. Symptoms include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, and in some cases, pneumonia
  • Henipavirus: Henipaviruses are a genus of viruses that includes Hendra (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV), which are zoonotic, with fruit bats being the main transmitters of these. Humans can become infected through direct contact with animals or their biological material. Please note that Henipaviruses can cause serious illness in humans, including fever, encephalitis, and pneumonia.
  • Rift Valley fever: RVF is a viral disease caused by the Rift Valley fever virus, which belongs to the Bunyaviridae family. It is found mainly in cattle, cattle, sheep, goats, and is transmitted to humans through contact with blood, tissues, or body fluids from humans. Symptoms in humans range from a mild flu-like illness to more severe forms that can include high fever, headache, muscle pain, weakness, eye problems, and in rare cases, liver or bleeding complications.
  • Disease X: Please note that this disease is hypothetical and was coined by the WHO to represent a serious international epidemic that can be caused by an unknown pathogen and was adopted on this list along with the other priority diseases by the entity.




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