“How to Lose Weight without Dieting: Danish Scientists’ Revolutionary Discovery”

2023-05-24 17:15:47

Elena Ivlieva

2 hours ago

Now you can do without a diet. Danish scientists have found a new way to lose weight. And he works.

Such an experiment was conducted by scientists from Aarhus University (Denmark). 1000 people of different age, gender and physical parameters were selected to participate. The subjects were divided into two groups. And both were shown the same photo: orange M&M’s chocolates.

The first group was shown the picture only 3 times. And the second – 30 times. After viewing the images, the specialists conducted a survey asking the wards: how many dragees would they like to eat? You had to choose from 1 to 10 sweets.

Scientists believe that now you can “get enough” of viewing photos of food

From group 2, almost everyone chose the minimum number of sweets. They bluntly stated: they do not want to eat. Although none of the participants were fed before the experiment. But group No. 1, which only 3 times saw the dragee on the screen, on the contrary, turned out to be hungry.

The experiment was repeated once more, but this time the candies of a different color were used. However, in this case, the wards reacted similarly to the first test. For the third time, scientists replaced M&M’s with Skittles. And the results remained the same: the group, which was shown 30 times pictures of sweets, felt full.

Danish experts came to the conclusion that a person’s thoughts regarding food have a significant impact on appetite. In other words, if you only vividly imagine how you bite into an apple, then the same parts of the brain are activated as when you actually eat this fruit.

Now it will be enough just to imagine food to deceive the brain.

Scientists believe that such “experiences” can seriously help a person lose weight. The main thing here is attitude. However, there is a certain danger here: there are sure to be those who want to do without food at all, trying to deceive the brain with fantasies regarding food. In addition, it remains unexplored: how long will the brain be deceived? Will it get used soon?

Source: woman.rambler.ru

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#Scientists #Denmark #Appetite #decrease #viewing #photos #food



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