“The Impact of Forced Replacement of Fossil Heating Systems in Austria and Germany – Consumer Protection and Feasibility Concerns”

2023-05-24 07:08:00

The eXXpress columnist and chairwoman of the consumer protection association (VSV), Daniela Holzinger, raises the alarm on Twitter. She warns that Leonore Gewessler’s (Greens) climate ministry is planning a “forced replacement of functioning heating systems”, i.e. fossil gas, oil and coal heating. 1.25 million gas, 630,000 oil and 11,000 coal heaters are affected.

What the consequences would be: “Crushing costs” for hundreds of thousands of consumers and “lack of feasibility” according to the Chamber of Commerce. The consumer protection association is therefore calling on the government to provide more incentives when it comes to climate protection instead of overwhelming Austrian households with conditions and compulsory regulations.

According to Holzinger, the “forced replacement” of existing heating systems (§6 decommissioning requirement) should take place as soon as possible as part of the planned Renewable Heat Act. The government draft for this law provides for all existing buildings in Austria to be converted “completely to renewable energy sources or to quality-assured district heating” by 2040 at the latest.

The role model for the compulsory replacement of existing fossil heating systems is probably Germany, where according to the plans of the traffic light government (SPD, Greens, FDP) there should be massive compulsory changes from next year.

There, at the instigation of Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), a highly controversial draft to change the so-called Building Energy Act was drawn up, which provides for the mandatory switch to “renewable heating”. For heaters installed from 2024, 65 percent of them must be operated with renewable energies.

After all: There should be exceptions, transition periods and comprehensive funding. Hardship regulations are also planned, including for low-income households.

#Consumer #protection #association #warns #Gewessler #plans #expensive #forced #replacement #heaters



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