They still don’t know where one of Plottier’s PCB transformers is

2023-05-24 03:15:00

The Environmental Crimes Prosecutor unknown location of a transformer with PCB belonging to the Plottier Electric Cooperative, as well as the fate of a dozen 20-liter drums with the toxic refrigerant that they were hidden almost 15 days ago.

The investigation of the agency led by the chief prosecutor Maximiliano Breide Obeid traces the whereregardings of these dangerous elements, while awaiting the results of the analysis of soil samples where three transformers with PCBs were buried.

The information gathering process might define the fate of other members of the leadership of the Cooperativewho for now were not charged in the case initiated for the crime of “pollution dangerous to public health.

The intersections with politics

As the investigation progresses, political interests arise. Plottier is one of the cities where a mayor has not yet been elected, there sends the future lieutenant governor Gloria Ruiz and it is an important square for Governor-elect Rolando Figueroa.

In fact the investigation was prompted by a complaint from councilor Marisa Torres San Juanfrom Movimiento Ciudadano Activa, who expressed his support for Ruiz’s candidacy.

Torres and Héctor Pailacura informed the prosecution where three of the six transformers with PCBs were buried (polychlorinated biphenyls) from the Plottier Cooperative.

open sky

Maximiliano Breide Obeid, the chief prosecutor in charge of Environmental Crimes. (Matias Subat)

As explained by prosecutor Breide Obeid at the hearing to formulate charges once morest the only defendant up to now, Humberto Peñalver, in 2012 the Cooperative declared “owning 108 transformers with PCBs below 50 parts per million, and 6 transformers whose PCB content was greater than 50 parts per millionall placed in different parts of the town. Current legislation places special emphasis on oils whose content exceeds 50 parts per million».

He added that “at least since 2017 the Cooperative kept three transformers stored in the open sky and without further precautions a corner of the Juan Pablo II street propertywhere the entity’s deposit works”.

But between December 2019 and March 2020, “By order of Peñalver, those transformers were buried on the same property”.

On the other hand, continued Breide Obeid, “at least between 2014 and the first days of 2023, the Cooperative maintained posts at two points in the town at least two transformers with PCBs, one on Guerrico street and the other near the motocross circuit».

in contact with the ground

When Torres and Pailacura filed the complaint, a raid was carried out on the property of Juan Pablo II. With a crane, the prosecution removed a cement block measuring two meters by three meters by one meter“and we saw that on the basis of that block, in contact with the surfacethere were at least three transformers, which were transferred to Añelo,” said Breide.

The same day of the raidMay 4th, “by direct order of Peñalver”employees of the Cooperative removed the other two transformers (the one on Calle Guerrico and the one on the motocross track) and they were taken with a crane to the substation in Valentina Norte Rural.

Transferred to drums

There, the accuser indicated, “between May 10 and 11, changed the oil in both transformerstransferred the used to 20-liter drums, which Peñalver later loaded into his truck gray bodywork, and their fate is unknown to date.”.

“The two transformers were loaded on a truck bound for a company in Mendoza that is in charge of their repair.” They have already been recovered and they will bring them back to Neuquén.

Of the six transformers whose PCB content was greater than 50 parts per million, declared in 2012 by the Cooperative, need to find one.

also unknown the destination of the drums with the toxic liquid that Peñalver took in his truck. The vehicle was seized and traces compatible with the transport of the containers were found.

The prosecution requested house arrest for the accused. Judge Carina Álvarez imposed him for four months prohibition of approach to the witnesses, all employees of the Cooperative, who expressed fear to lose their job if they testify once morest the managers. Nor can he appear at the institution’s headquarters or make contact with other members of the board of directors.

The political-judicial plot

The political-judicial plot behind the case deserves a separate chapter.

As stated, the complaint that allowed the buried transformers to be found It was formulated by an ally of Gloria Ruizelected lieutenant governor of Rolando Figueroa.

The president of the Plottier Electric Cooperative is Sergio Soto. He is on leave because he is a councilor and will be candidate for mayor for the MPNblue line.

In charge of the presidency of the Cooperative Facundo Gaitán was leftex-undersecretary of Social Action of ex-governor Jorge Sapag, protagonist in 2011 of a hitherto unbeaten political-sex scandal.

When they charged him, the secretary of the Cooperative Humberto Peñalver appointed Marcelo Walther Alejandro Jara as his defenderwho until March 2022 He was a prosecutor for Economic Crimes. He might not assume because he is not enrolled, but attended the arraignment hearing.

Jara’s boss was his brother-in-law, Pablo Vignaroli, very close to the State Attorney Raúl Gaitán, brother of Facundo.

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