“Yes We Code: Inspiring the Next Generation of Digital Innovators through Student Projects”

2023-05-23 03:09:00

the essential
As part of the Yes We Code program, 6 students from Bourdelle high school and 5 from François-Mitterrand college are going to CNES on Tuesday to present their scientific project.

“Whether you like cinema, agriculture or the health sector, digital technology is everywhere: it’s a profession with a future!”, declares Dorit Manelfe, regional delegate of the Cgénial Foundation, before continuing: ” We created Yes We Code 5 years ago, because we felt the need for specific action around digital technology, and to inspire young people to move towards these professions.”

Thus was born the Yes We Code program, intended for students from 6th to 12th grade. Each year, a call for participation is launched by the foundation: “We try to promote the projects carried out by establishments in REP, or geographically out of the way”, confides Dorit Manelfe. After this selection, Cgénial provides the equipment needed to set up the digital project.

This time, 9 establishments in the academy have been selected to participate, including two in Tarn-et-Garonne: the François-Mitterrand college in Moissac, and the Antoine-Bourdelle high school in Montauban. “They all received the same material, namely micro:bit cards with sensors and other accessories. Each group of participants had to carry out a digital project from the distributed elements, and must present it to a jury this Tuesday, May 22” .

“A great experience”

Precisely, and for the first time this year, a day of promotion of the program takes place in the Toulouse academy and, what is more, the ceremony takes place in the Toulouse establishment of the National Center for Space Studies (CNES). “The purpose of this day is to promote the digital projects of students who have worked throughout the school year around the kit of connected objects “Yes We Code!”. It is also to give them the opportunity to discover jobs in the digital and perhaps help them in their choice of orientation”, explains Dorit Manelfe.

For Fabien Debals, teacher of the engineering sciences specialty at Bourdelle high school, and having led the Yes We Code program with 6 Terminale students, “the students are delighted with the project and the day of promotion. Even as Professor, it’s not easy to visit the CNES premises, so it’s a great experience!”

With the computer coding material received, the Montalban high school graduates created an autonomous oven, operating with the help of photovoltaic panels. Fabien Debals explains: “The oven rotates according to the location of the sun, a bit like rotating houses. The micro:bit card controls the motor and the sensors that go with it. These will indicate the temperature of the oven, for example. , and cooking time.

If the jury awards the prize to the best achievement, all participants will be rewarded. In addition, registrations for Yes We Code are already open for the 2023-2024 school year.

#TarnetGaronne #students #honors #CNES



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