Colombian President Suspends Ceasefire with Dissident FARC Group: Latest News & Updates

2023-05-22 13:24:00

(CNN Spanish) — Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced the suspension of the ceasefire with the dissident armed group Estado Mayor Central (EMC-FARC), made up of former FARC members, who rejected a peace agreement in 2016.

The president said that the Government “made the unilateral decision to partially suspend the effects of Decree 2656 of 2022”, by which a bilateral ceasefire was agreed with the Central General Staff of the FARC-EP, for the “murder” of four minors allegedly by the Carolina Ramírez front of the EMC in Putumayo. The Office of the High Commissioner for Peace of Colombia responsible this Saturday in front of Carolina Ramírez of the EMC-FARC of the facts.

According to the statement, the minors were kidnapped and later killed when the group tried to recruit them.

“We emphatically reject this criminal conduct of the Carolina Ramírez Front of the EMC-FARC that ignores IHL and constitutes an attack on peace,” said the Office of the High Commissioner for La Paz.

Petro said on Saturday that the murder of these four minors is “an atrocious crime, a slap to peace that violates the foundations of International Humanitarian Law.”

Offensive operations continue

This Monday, the Government said in a statement that the bilateral ceasefire that was in force in the departments of Meta, Caquetá, Guaviare and Putumayo -areas in the center and southwest of the country, which have historically been hit by war- has been suspended. —, and that “all offensive actions will be reactivated” within 72 hours. The actions of the public force will be carried out “with respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.”

The Colombian government added that the ceasefire monitoring mechanism summoned the members of the EMC-FARC, but that they “excused themselves from attending.”

“If the bilateral ceasefire is not effective in certain territories to protect the life and integrity of the entire population, then there is no point in persisting with it,” says the government statement, which defends the cessation of armed actions in other territories. where “irreparable damage to the life and integrity of the inhabitants has been avoided.”

The Central General Staff announced in mid-April its willingness to set up a dialogue table with the Government and start peace talks. This May 21, the Petro government announced that it would announce the names of the delegation that will be part of the dialogue table with this dissident group “to peremptorily initiate” the dialogue phase.

The Government said that at the dialogue table it will be proposed to strengthen “the cessation of hostilities” with a territorial character.

The EMC is one of the two dissident factions of the FARC and is made up of former leaders and combatants who did not accept the peace agreement, which in 2016 allowed the reincorporation into civilian life of 13,000 people who formed a political party and received 10 seats. in Congress.

The attorney general, Francisco Barbosa, suspended the arrest warrants once morest some 20 members of the EMC at the beginning of March, which facilitated a meeting of the EMC leaders in the Llanos del Yarí, where they agreed on the date for the installation of the table of dialogue.

The group, made up of 3,530 people —2,180 combatants and 1,350 helpers—, has maintained a bilateral ceasefire with the Colombian government since the beginning of the year.

— With information from

#Government #Colombia #suspends #ceasefire #FARC #dissidents #death #minors



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