Fistfight Breaks Out in Kurdistan Parliament: Chaos and Vandalism as Deputies Clash over Electoral Commission Reactivation Agenda

2023-05-22 09:52:00

section of the fight

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A fight broke out with fists and punches inside the halls of parliament in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, between deputies from the Democratic Party and the National Union.

Scenes that spread widely among Iraqis on communication sites documented the chaos that pervaded the session, amid loud screams among the deputies, and vandalism and breaking of the hall.

This tension occurred today, Monday, as a result of a dispute over the agenda devoted to reactivating the outgoing Electoral Commission in the Kurdistan region.

The root of the problem

Tension arose following Parliament Speaker Rewaz Faeq, who is from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, adjourned the session and withdrew from the hall.

While the head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc, Ziyad Jabbar, accused the Democratic Party of refusing to adjourn the session, “which led to tension and chaos in the parliament session.”

Jabbar said, “We, as the Union bloc, refused to allow an illegal session to pass in parliament… but unfortunately, chaos ensued and they attacked a number of members of our bloc.” Jabbar added that he suffered a minor head injury.
He considered that “the session was adjourned legally… and any step that takes place will be illegal.”

On the other hand, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc, Zana Mulla Khaled, insisted in a press conference following the session that the “postponement of the session” by the Speaker of Parliament was not legal because “it should have been put to a vote.”

For her part, Faeq confirmed in a statement that “the results of the session following the postponement will not have any legal value.”

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party considered adding the vote to extend the life of the commission to the session’s agenda in a statement on Sunday as a step that “contradicts the political agreement between the political forces and the parliamentary blocs.”

Add two paragraphs

Yesterday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc announced that it would submit a request to the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament that includes adding two paragraphs to the agenda for today’s session, one of which includes activating the Independent High Commission for Elections and Referendum in the region.

As for the second, it included amending the election law, revealing at the same time that no agreement had been reached on these two issues with the National Union.

It is noteworthy that the Democratic Party constitutes the largest bloc in the current parliament, with 45 seats, followed by the National Union Party with 21 seats, and the two parties dominate the political scene in the region.

While the Iraqi region presents itself as an oasis of stability, many activists and opponents criticize corruption and deals in many facilities.

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#video #fight #erupted #Parliament. #Screaming #punching #Iraqi #MPs



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