Córdoba: in four months, household oil recycling prevented contaminating one million liters of water

2023-05-22 00:12:25

A survey by the Municipality of Córdoba revealed that by recycling disused household oil, the contamination of one million liters of water has been avoided so far this year. The Secretariat for Environmental Management and Sustainability reported that during 2023, one thousand liters of oil were collected at different collection points in the city of Córdoba.

Used oil is frequently discarded in inappropriate places, such as the kitchen sink, the toilet or open fields near the home. Through any of these ways, the oil ends up in watercourses with a high negative environmental impact: a liter of oil can contaminate a thousand liters of water.

The 15 CPCs in the city of Córdoba have containers with clean plastic bottles for recycling, available from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

During April alone, residents of the city disposed of 120 liters of used cooking oil at collection points, with the Argüello CPC receiving the largest amount of this waste with a total of 50 liters. They are followed in collection by the CPC of Empalme with 30 liters, and those of Ruta 20, Jardín, Centro América and Monseñor Pablo Cabrera with 10 liters each.

Only oil coming from home consumption is received and oil that comes from the gastronomic sector or from an establishment classified as a Large Waste Generator is not accepted.

Receiving the oil allows it to be recycled and reinserted into the Circular Economy paradigm as a second generation (2G) biofuel, cosmetic products or animal feed.

What should a neighbor do with the oil he has at home?

  1. Let the used cooking oil (olive, sunflower or others) cool.
  2. Once cold, store it in empty, clean and dry plastic bottles with lids (later these containers will also be recycled and reinserted in the Circular Economy)
  3. Finally, deposit the container with the discarded oil in the specific containers for this waste located at any of the 15 CPCs, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

#Córdoba #months #household #oil #recycling #prevented #contaminating #million #liters #water



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