The most toxic elections in history

2023-05-21 15:36:03

Eternity from August to December

Javier Milei, the C-Boy (“the lion alone that defeats the pride of lions”) is the salutary cheerleader for the most toxic elections in history. The wrong STEP that facilitates progress towards the dead end (dead end).
From August 14 to December 10, an eternity of darkness looms.

With the Executive Power at war with the Judicial Power. With the paralyzed Legislative Power that offers the stage for the Executive’s offensive. With the “political trial” of the “Supreme Court that waits and takes.”

The bull that suspended the elections in San Juan and Tucumán was useful to precipitate the decision of La Doctora who ate the feint. To wrinkle, in effect, like Mauricio, The Angel (who was) Exterminator.
Without The Doctor and the Angel, reciprocally functional, the continuity of belligerence can be ended.

Confederation of United Provinces for Accounting

Without the two versions of Buenos Aires, Provincia Inviable and Maxikiosco, the Confederation of United Provinces for Accounting will have the territorial issue resolved by August.

It marks the dissonance of CABA in the Confederation. No national project emerges from the provinces.

Governors are projected when they no longer have re-election. It is more interesting to preserve the territory than to muddy the federal disaster. Reserved for unitarians from both sides of Buenos Aires.

In the Confederation, the triumph of the officialism shows that life in the provinces is more bearable.

They pay the salaries and can put it together. Without taking charge of the catastrophic economy or the inequalities of the suburbs. national dilemma.

Sociological conglomerate with the descendants of internal immigration. Mixed with immigration from neighboring countries that generated the complex identity of the new Buenos Aires.

Formulas to lose with dignity

Broken coalitions are thrown into disarray by Milei’s salutary irruption. Before being deleted, even The Doctor installed him as a priority opponent. He entered, with conviction, in the trapdoor.

After being erased, the resigned Doctor describes in “Hard to Tame” the (toxic) choice of “three thirds”.

Today the objective of Peronism is as modest as going into exile in Uruguay. It consists, just, in “reaching the ballotage”.

With very little, Milei drills Juntos. And she puts everyone in a state of suspicion.

With Mrs. Victoria Villarroel, At the Generalchallenges the progressive interpretation of history and captures the “vote once morest humanity.”

Everything wears out in the controversy between language and action.

The frontal criticism of the Fund coexists with the procacity of taking the Fund as the only savior.

Original copy of the hackneyed police game of good and bad. “Gita, dear Kristalina, arrange with Sergio. With La Doctora it’s worse.”

Another reasonable objective is to reach the final border with air. With the rush to present a worthy team that loses with dignity.

Perhaps the ideal candidate to face such dignity is Daniel Scioli, Leader of the Air and Sun Line. Although the postman, in Peronism, has never called twice.

But Scioli aspires to “lawful revenge.” He upholds the “right to compete.” Enough with the video of the debate.

He must get rid of the strategic network of Alberto Fernández, The Unpopular Poet. The low-calorie pervert who intends to design it as “his crutch.”

Like Premier Agustín Rossi, Undefeated. Each defeat strengthens him. Each election that Rossi loses enables him to lose another one of higher relevance.

But Alberto is not resigned to the decline. Not to failure.

While Sergio Massa, The Professional, drags the rock of the government.

A Variety Performer who keeps the last rabbit hidden. He subsists punished by the growth of inflation and stars in the unprecedented phenomenon.

As the catastrophe shows more disturbing values, Massa-dependence grows even in those who denigrate it. Like Juan Grabois, The Holy Seminarian. Or Alberto.

The entertainer’s trap

For Carlos Melconián, El Tablonero, it is “irresponsible” to be a minister with 9 inflation and pretend to be “presidential”.

But Melconián analyzes from the reason the intricacies of the fantasy country. It is likely that Juntos will also miss the opportunity to have the (toxic) election served. With gifted officialism. Exhausted.

“If in 2019 they gave them 50,000 clubs to win and they lost it, why are they going to be sure of winning in 2023?”

But in Juntos they already spend on credit for the next seizure of power. Even if it is, in practice, another broken coalition.

Unified by the fervent anti-Kirchnerism that is not enough to shield the structural differences.

This is exactly where Milei’s hole-punching feature comes into its own. He fractures them with the word pneumatic drill.

He weakens them, without malice, even when he praises them.

Misplace Mrs. Patricia Bullrich, The Heap of Good, when proposing an approach. An alliance. Or by recognizing Mauricio.

It separates them culturally from the radicals who give them territory and still believe themselves to be progressive. He leaves them with the alternative, to save themselves from shipwreck, of helping themselves on the generous beaches of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, genius.

Or crash into the epic greatness of Facundo Manes, Rolando’s fissure. As exemplary beings in the cul de sac.

Everyone’s suspicious state is funny. Although the electoral tricks go, in general, badly.

While Milei attacks with the caste trap, certain inspired Peronist mini-governors finance Milei’s lists in their districts.

An imaginative mini-governor of the First Section found the whitest right-winger to tell him: “You are going to be my tough opponent. You go with Milei, you will get two councilors. But they are mine.”

Another experienced governor, flushed with suspicion, confesses: “In my province, Milei has no one, but she has votes. I will take care of them.”

With the innovative stamp, with the exaltations of the disruptive proposals, El C-Boy is the animator of the campaign for the (toxic) elections.

To accentuate the political superficiality of broken coalitions.

With the wrong ones who reply on dollarization. Or with the elimination of the Central Bank. The auction of testicles or kidneys.

They calmly enter the trapdoor. Not realizing that Milei doesn’t matter because of what she says. It is important because of what it generates.

Will continue

* Carolina Mantegari of the AsisCulturalspecial for

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