Russian Foreign Ministry Condemns G7 Summit for Xenophobia and Anti-Russian Sentiments

2023-05-21 13:38:53


The Russian Foreign Ministry has repudiated this Sunday the G7 summit held in Hiroshima (Japan) as an exercise in xenophobia summarized in “a set of statements full of hateful anti-Russian and anti-Chinese passages”.

As denounced this past Saturday by the head of the portfolio, Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Ministry has condemned the criticism made by the group’s leaders both of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and of China’s expansionist policy.

“The result of the G7 event are politicized decisions aimed at drawing dividing lines in international relations,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Moscow accuses the organization — the former G8 until Russia was expelled by annexing Crimea in 2014 — of having become an “incubator” where, “under the leadership of the Anglo-Saxons, destructive initiatives that undermine global stability mature.” .

“The panic that a multipolar world is generating, far from the American-centric hegemony that has appropriated this world, has forced the members of this organization to turn their efforts to fuel Russophobic and Sinophobic hysteria,” he concludes.

#Russia #denounces #summit #exercise #xenophobia #Moscow #Beijing



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