“Overcoming Mental Health Challenges for Children and Adolescents During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Germany’s Reality and Solutions | Your Health in Your Hands”

2023-05-21 13:35:57


Several studies show that children and adolescents suffered particularly during the Corona period, but the situation has not improved despite the country overcoming the pandemic, which raises many questions regarding the reality of psychiatry in Germany.

At first, families and friends in Germany did not notice much of the change in many teenagers. They spoke little and hardly got out of bed in the morning.

during a period of time Corona pandemicMental disorders among adolescents increased significantly. Instead of turning to their mothers or friends, some have begun to harm themselves – often by cutting their arms and legs with razor blades.

These injuries, called “bruises,” are particularly common among girls and boys who have mental health problems or illnesses.

One of the parents says in statements to the German News Agency that these “scratches” began to be caused by his child on his body during the closure of Corona in 2020. At first, the family doctor reassured him that many teenagers had done the same thing, but during an initial consultation with a therapist specializing in children and adolescents, the child was diagnosed with symptoms of depression.

For several months, the family then searched in vain for psychiatric treatment in an outpatient clinic, and during that period they had to hospitalize their child more than once. Eventually the child ran away from home with another teenager and was only found days later.

When a child develops a mental illness, the world of parents and siblings also falls apart. Added to this was the painstaking search for support, the father recounts. The father sent emails, called therapists and hospitals, went to the youth welfare office and wrote a letter to the German Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach asking for help.

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“I don’t have a plan and I feel completely alone,” says the father, noting that he is always there bureaucratic hurdles. Over the course of a year and a half, the family then had to pay for psychiatric treatment at their own expense.

Several studies show that children and adolescents have suffered particularly during the Corona period. Sports and music activities stopped overnight, and friends were no longer allowed to see.

According to data from the German health insurance company “DAK”, depression and eating disorders have increased sharply, especially among girls between the ages of 15 and 17. Many still have problems.

High demand for psychotherapy

The demand for psychotherapists specializing in treating children and adolescents increased by 48 percent in the summer of 2022 compared to the pre-corona period, according to a survey conducted by the German Association of Psychotherapists.

Child and adolescent therapist Cornelia Mitge from Saxony says that because of the lack of teachers in schools, important things besides teaching purely scholastic subjects are being neglected.

“School should also be a meeting place, a place where you can also say that you have problems and difficulties at home. But there is not enough time for that,” says Metge.

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The German government has approved a set of measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of the pandemic on children and adolescents. One area of ​​focus is mental health. Among other things, so-called ‘mental health coaches’ are supposed to support overburdened schools in a pilot project.

On the other hand, the Professional Association of German Psychologists considers that this temporary pilot project does not in any way meet the requirements, stressing that it must instead strive to achieve the international standard in providing psychologists in schools.

Big holes in the health system

Teens with mental illnesses often have to wait months for a place to be treated in an outpatient clinic. These diseases also often affect children from poor families or who are cared for by single mothers, or who live with parents who suffer from psychological problems, or who live in cramped homes, and psychological diseases are often the reason why girls and boys do not complete school.

“Mental health is still not taken seriously in our society, and mental illness is a taboo topic…Children and adolescents have suffered the most during the pandemic. That is why politicians are advised to develop a master plan now to confront command”.


Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!


Whoever eats the size of the palm of the hand of colored vegetables and fruits a day at least five times, gives himself all the nutrients he needs to maintain his physical and psychological health. Vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants that relieve symptoms of anxiety, fear and depression.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Less sugar

Resisting sugar-containing foods like candy and some soft drinks is difficult, but it is essential to maintaining a healthy mind in a healthy body. Researchers from the Universities of Lancaster and Warwick in (British) and Humboldt (German) discovered that those who eat a lot of foods that contain a large percentage of sugar suffer from a bad mood, compared to those who control their consumption of sugars, and even feel sleepy and tired following eating them.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Vitamin B

Vitamin B plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy mind, as it activates the nervous system and combats drowsiness and stress. Among the most important types are vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin (or B3) in addition to folic acid (B9). Some foods that contain vitamin B are vegetables, lean meat, nuts, fish, bananas, potatoes and dairy products.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!


Probiotics are products that contain beneficial organisms and yeasts for the digestive system. They contribute to the maintenance of beneficial stomach bacteria, and they also help reduce anxiety and depression disorders. Products that contain these probiotics include dairy products such as yogurt, as well as pickles. Probiotics can also be obtained from dietary supplements in the form of capsules.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Vitamin D

Some scientists link vitamin D deficiency in the body to increased symptoms of depression and a negative impact on mood. It’s not clear if a vitamin D deficiency directly causes depression, but it’s known that people with depression don’t go outside as much and therefore aren’t exposed to enough sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to be exposed to the sun whenever possible, especially for those who live in areas where winters are long.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!


Studies conducted on rats showed that magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in fear and anxiety disorders. Therefore, foods rich in magnesium contribute to a person’s sense of calm and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Among the foods rich in magnesium are leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and chard, in addition to legumes, almonds, and whole wheat flour products.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!


Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the body, and it helps reduce fear and anxiety. Zinc deficiency in the body causes increased symptoms of depression, nervousness, and violent behavior. Many foods contain zinc, such as oysters, liver, egg yolks, whole wheat flour products, as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

red meat

Healthy eating doesn’t mean not enjoying a steak from time to time, as long as the meat is not processed or full of fat like hot dogs. Small slices of red meat can be eaten up to three times a week. Red meat contains iron, which fights symptoms of stress.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain selenium, which many people don’t get enough. Selenium deficiency in the body causes a bad mood, so it is recommended to eat small amounts of walnuts and nuts on an ongoing basis. Black honey, seafood and vegetables also contain selenium.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!


Turmeric (or turmeric in some countries) helps to calm inflammation in the body and relieve chronic inflammation that some people suffer from, which affects brain function. The active ingredient in this spice is curcumin, which raises the level of beneficial omega-3 fatty acid in the brain, which helps relieve stress and anxiety.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Mediterranean country cuisine

Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by a variety of healthy and delicious foods. The meal usually consists of vegetables, fish and wholemeal bread with the addition of olive oil, herbs and spices. After the meal can be sweetened with a piece of fresh fruit. Consistently following the Mediterranean diet and giving up foods that contain sugar and white flour leads to improved mood and lower rates of depression, according to a study.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Less caffeine

Some mental health organizations advise caution when consuming caffeinated beverages. Although it gives the person a sense of activity, but too much of it leads to stress, depression, and sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is advised to moderate and reduce the amount of coffee or tea, especially before bed.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Drinking enough water

It is recommended to drink water in sufficient quantities daily to maintain the health of the body and brain. Those who do not drink enough water find it difficult to focus and think clearly. It is usually recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea in the evening may also help calm the nerves following a hard day.

Pictures – the mystery of the mysterious relationship between food and happiness!

Dark chocolate

A person feels happy following eating a piece of chocolate, which is a pleasant and desirable feeling. Therefore, it is also possible to eat chocolate, provided it is dark, that is, it contains a high percentage of cocoa. You should also pay attention to quantities to maintain weight.

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